Home improvement quality problems in construction

The main reason for the quality problems of home improvement is that the construction process is not standardized.

- Electrician series: In the home decoration, the construction of the electrician does not seem to be a lot on the surface, but many potential problems leave many dangerous hidden dangers for your future life. The common problems are: short circuits in distribution lines, weak television signals, interference in telephone reception, etc. This often has a long-term negative impact on your life. Why do you have these problems?

1, excessive line joints and improper handling of joints are prominent reasons. Some lines are too long and some joints will be produced when the electrician operates. However, due to the limitations of the technical level of some electrician masters, there may be reasons for lack of sense of responsibility, the line of the joints, insulation and moisture treatment is not good, there will be a short circuit, short circuit and other phenomena. Last year, there was a report about the damp electricity of a residential wall. This is the reason.

2. There is no casing for the hidden treatment line, which is only used to cut down the cost and cut corners. The bushing is used to protect the concealed circuit from damage. If the bushing is not used or an inappropriate bushing is used, damage to the circuit during construction or in future use will leave you hidden dangers.

3. The completed line was damaged by subsequent construction. The common ones are: the wall line is interrupted by an electric hammer, and the floor nail gun penetrates the PVC line pipe or sheath line.

4. Distribution lines do not consider different rated wires have different rated currents. “Little Marathon” causes long-term overload of the line itself.

5, all kinds of different lines go the same line. If the television antenna, the telephone line and the distribution line are threaded into the same casing, the reception of the television and the telephone is disturbed.

How can these problems be prevented?

1, the line to minimize joints. If wiring is necessary, the distribution line must be well-connected, insulated, and moisture-proof. If conditions permit (under the appropriate engineering quotation), you can also use “涮” or use terminal blocks; the coaxial cable connection of the TV antenna is best. With a splitter or junction box, the telephone line is similar to a TV line.

2. The concealed lines of the wall use PVC hard line pipe, and pay attention to the line number; the ground line should take into account that the future will be under pressure for a long time and the construction will be affected, so it is best to use the water gas pipe (ie, iron pipe ), but also to be fixed, do not let it move.

3, conceal the good line to be marked, to avoid being inadvertently destroyed by the next process construction personnel.

4, the selection of distribution lines and wires should pay attention to its rated current.

5, TV antenna lines, telephone lines were taken casing.

Tip: To reduce unnecessary joints as much as possible and to use suitable line pipe should pay attention to the construction of the line.

- Plumbing series: After your stay in your new home is not long, you may find quality problems related to "water". Such as leaking water pipes, odors in wash basins and vegetable sinks, small bathtub showers, inconvenient use of sanitary ware, etc.

What is its root cause?

1. Leakage of water pipes: Assuming there are no quality problems with pipes and pipe fittings, we will introduce the reasons for the leakage of cold water pipes and hot water pipes.

a, cold water pipe leakage is generally very easy to understand, that is, when the water pipe and fittings are not sealed when connected.

b. In addition to the sealing of the hot water pipe leaks, there may be improper sealing material selection.

2. The reason for the small water flow: In the construction of plumbing, in order to connect the whole line, it is necessary to thread on the sawed water pipe. If the thread is too long, when the pipe is screwed into the pipe fitting (such as the elbow), it will be too deep. As a result, the cross section of the water flow becomes smaller and the water flow is smaller.

3, hose burst. Most of the pipes connecting the main pipe to the sanitary fixture use a serpentine hose. If the hose is of poor quality or the hose is tightened when the plumber installs it, stress concentration tends to occur, and the hose will burst after a short period of time.

4, overflow when the toilet flushes. The reason for this is that when the toilet is installed, the recessed portion of the seat is not sealed with an oil filler, and when flushing, the sewage overflows from the gap between the base and the floor.

5, wash basin water back odor. Finished bathroom renovation, wash basin back to the smell. In the renovated bathroom, the position of the wash basin often shifts to the wrong place with the water entrance, and it is often difficult to directly use the wash pipe when the wash basin is bought. The installation worker plans to save time, likes to use the washing machine water pipe to make basin water, but generally do not do S-bend, resulting in the wash basin and the sewer pipe straight, smell back from the sewer.

To prevent "water problems" you can refer to the following comments:

1. To solve the problem of leakage of cold water pipes, construction workers may be required to bind the sealing material PTFE belt (commonly known as raw material belt), and pay attention to some plumbers who use plastic bags to “lock things up”.

2, PTFE belt is easy to shrink and aging due to heat for a long period of time, so hot water pipe sealing materials generally use hemp and lead oil.

3, to avoid burst hose, first of all to use high-quality products. When installing, the hose should be smooth and the bend should be as slow as possible. Do not bend it.

4, when installing the toilet, fill in the groove in the base of the oil putty, installed after a round of glass glue around.

5, wash basin If you use the washing machine hose to do the water, we must make a circle in the hose, tied with a rope, forming a water seal will prevent back odor.

- Waterproof works: It is often heard that people say: "It was the decoration company that damaged the bathroom's waterproof layer when they decorated it. It caused leakage in the bathroom of the next floor of the household." Actually speaking, the waterproof layer is subject to construction. There are many reasons for the destruction and it cannot be said that the decoration company is guilty. The real sin is that the waterproof behind is not done well.

So how can we do the waterproof layer well?

1. Be sure to clean the grass-roots floor ready for waterproofing and try to keep the surface dry.

2, according to the technical requirements of waterproof material construction. Here is to explain that the leaking part of the bathroom is mainly in the roots of the upper and lower water pipes and the foot of the wall, so when these places do waterproof, it must be allowed to “eat”, and its practical fingers can be checked. Also note that waterproofing needs to be done not less than 25 cm from the foot of the wall.

3. If a wall of a bathroom is a light wall, it is necessary to waterproof the entire wall.

4. After the waterproof material has dried completely, it is necessary to conduct a water-sealing test for 24 hours to observe whether there is any leakage. Waterproof in this way generally does not leak.

TV entrance decoration TV decoration toilet decoration decoration company glass bathroom waterproof bathroom waterproof material leaking toilet

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