At present, China's use of magnetic centrifugal pumps are used outside the axial backwater pump body structure, this structure to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of magnetic centrifugal pump work, but also because of the magnetic centrifugal pump This structural features, magnetic centrifugal pump there is a certain loss of energy, magnetic centrifugal pump energy loss form what? This may affect the work of magnetic centrifugal pump what effect? Magnetic centrifugal pump energy loss form what? 1, hydraulic loss: Hydraulic loss is mainly caused by impact, friction, eddy current and flow loss when the liquid flows in the runner of the impeller and the pump casing. The values ​​of these energy losses are related to the Reynolds number and the roughness flowing to the surface , And is essentially proportional to the square of the liquid flow rate. Water loss mainly occurs in the operation of magnetic centrifugal pumps. 2. Volume loss: The volume loss is mainly due to the internal leakage of the magnetic centrifugal pump, such as the clearance of the seal ring, the clearance of the axial force balance device and the medium caused by the communication pipe with the low-pressure area or the inlet of the pump. Reflux, etc., making the actual pump flow is less than its theoretical flow, the difference between the two flow volume loss of the pump. Such as the volume principle of the gear pump, rotor pump often occurs volumetric energy loss. 3. Mechanical loss: Mechanical loss includes the frictional power loss of the shaft seal and bearing parts of the pump and the disc friction loss caused by the friction of the impeller surface with the liquid when the impeller rotates in the liquid. Mechanical loss is the loss of mechanical energy in all pump types. 4, the loss of magnetic eddy current: magnetic eddy current loss is a magnetic centrifugal pump unique energy loss, that is, the isolation sleeve relative to the internal and external rotor is rotating, the equivalent of metal conductor in the magnetic field cutting magnetic lines, will produce current, current in the form of heat Out of the loss of the magnetic eddy current. For industrial equipment in the process, many of them have energy loss, from the above analysis we can find that magnetic centrifugal pump loss quite a lot, which for the magnetic centrifugal pump workers have a greater However, in order to make better use of magnetic centrifugal pumps, we must face up to these problems. This article is copyrighted industry interconnect (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. All are welcome to reprint, please indicate the source and author of: Asian pumps Network (CEO QQ / micro letter: 18,189,528) Editor: Coco (QQ / micro-channel: 97,129,096) starting: http : // (Service Hotline: 400-6030-811)