Everyone has personally experienced it. The towel is bought back. It hardens after a few times. It is very uncomfortable to use. What is the reason? The reason why the towel is hardened is not that the towel is not washed, but the scale is in the towel. Due to the accumulation, because we can only wash the stains on the towel, the scale can not be washed, so the more accumulated, the more we feel the towel hardens.
How to solve this problem? Use white vinegar to soften the towel. Some friends may have asked, can it be done with softener? Of course, softener can solve this problem. However, from the perspective of environmental protection, softeners are chemical products after all. Edible vinegar does not pollute the environment. It is cheaper to calculate the economic account, and the effect of softening the towel is better than softener. Why not?
Vinegar softens the towel because the scale on the towel is alkaline and the acetic acid in the vinegar neutralizes it, so the towel becomes soft. This method can also be used to prevent clothes from getting hard. When the washing machine or the hand-washed clothes are washed, the machine wash is put into a half bowl of vinegar about 200 grams (the amount of hand-washing is put on the line), after one to two minutes of rotation, the water will not leave vinegar on the clothes. . Friends may wish to try it.
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