Water ring vacuum pump failure and solution

In the overhaul process, water ring vacuum pump fault diagnosis is a key aspect, the following water ring vacuum pump is no liquid to provide, the lack of liquid supply or lack of pressure problems and solutions, I hope we can be targeted for water ring vacuum pump Fault diagnosis, solve the problem as soon as possible. 1. The pump is empty or not properly vented. Solution: Check that the vacuum pump housing and inlet lines are completely filled with liquid. 2 speed is too low; Solution: Check the motor wiring is correct, the voltage is normal or the turbine steam pressure is normal. 3. System head is too high; Solution: Check the system head (especially the friction loss). 4. Suction too high; Solution: Check the existing net head (inlet line is too small or too long will cause a great friction loss). 5. Impeller or pipeline blocked; Solution: Check for obstructions. 6. The direction of rotation is wrong; Solution: Check the direction of rotation.

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