The structure of the aluminum honeycomb perforated sound-absorbing ceiling plate is a perforated aluminum alloy panel and a perforated back plate, and is directly bonded to an aluminum honeycomb sandwich structure by a high-quality adhesive and an aluminum honeycomb core, and a sound-absorbing cloth is attached between the honeycomb core and the panel and the back plate. Since the honeycomb core in the honeycomb aluminum plate is divided into a plurality of closed cells, the air flow is prevented, the sound waves are hindered, the sound absorption coefficient is increased (up to 0.9 or more), and the strength of the plate itself is improved, so that the size of the single plate can be To achieve greater, further increase the freedom of design.
According to the indoor acoustic design, different perforation rate design can be carried out to control the sound absorption coefficient of the combined structure within a certain range, which not only achieves the design effect, but also can reasonably control the cost. By controlling the perforation aperture and hole spacing, and changing the perforation rate according to the customer's requirements, the maximum perforation rate is <30%. The aperture is generally selected from the specifications of ∮2.0, ∮2.5, ∮3.0, etc. The back plate perforation requirements are the same as the panel, and the sound absorbing cloth is adopted. Sound-absorbing materials such as high-quality non-woven fabrics. It is suitable for the sound-absorbing wall panels and ceiling panels of large public buildings such as subways, theaters, radio stations, TV stations, textile factories and super-standard buildings.
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