Test Transformer Operation Step 1 Connect the leads according to the wiring diagram, and ground the transformer and control box reliably.
2 Before the test, check whether the wiring of each part is in good contact, and check whether the voltage regulator of the control box is adjusted to "zero";
3 Turn on the power and the green indicator lights. Press the start button, the red indicator light, indicating that the transformer has power, waiting for boost;
4 Pressurize and rotate the regulator handle clockwise and at a constant speed. And pay close attention to the instrument instructions and the status of the sample;
5 After the test is completed, the voltage should be quickly reduced to zero, and press the stop button, then cut off the power and untwist the test leads.
Test transformer use environment requirements
1.1 input voltage: AC 220V or 380V50Hz
1.2 ambient temperature: -40 °C ~ 40 °C;
1.3 Relative humidity: ≤85% when the ambient temperature is 25°C)
1.4 In an environment that does not contain chemical gases and vapors;
1.5 No explosive dangerous gas;
1.6 Under the place where rain does not infiltrate.
Titanium Parts include Pure Titanium Crucible,Pure Titanium Screw,Pure Titanium Springs and so on.
Titanium Grade 1-4 is pure Titanium, the other grades are alloys. Pure Titanium is used due to it's high corrosion resistance, the alloys because of the extremely high strength to weight ratio.
· Grade 1 Pure Titanium, relatively low strength and high ducility. Plate heat exchangers
· Grade 2 The pure titanium most used. The best combination of strength, ducility and weldability. Piping systems.
· Grade 3 High strength Titanium, used for Matrix-plates in shell and tube heat exchangers.
· Grade 5 The most manufactured titanium alloy. Exceedingly high strength. High heat resistance. Aerospace, subsea.
· Grade 7 Superior corrosion resistance in reducing and oxiding enviroments. Chemical Industry.
· Grade 9 Very high strength and corrosion resistance. Hydraulic piping, subsea.
· Grade 11 Applications as for gr 7. Suitable for deep drawing.
· Grade 12 Better heat resistance than pure Titanium. Applications as for grade 7 and 11. Shell and tube heat exchangers.
Titanium Parts
Titanium Parts,Pure Titanium Crucible,Pure Titanium Screw,Pure Titanium Springs
Baoji Shengyuan Metal Material Co., Ltd. , https://www.baojisymetal.com