Submersible pump wells in the use of inevitable there will be some failure, how to determine the cause of the malfunction, quickly find a solution to make the device continue to run? Next, Xiao Bian for everyone to introduce wells with submersible pump power after the water causes and treatment, encountered such problems, we can refer to the following practices. Of course, we must find the root cause of the fault, the fault can be ruled out, so to do specific analysis of specific issues. Well with submersible pump is not water after the power causes and treatment (1) the power supply voltage is too low, submersible pump failed to start. The method is to adjust the voltage to 342V above, if for various reasons the voltage is less than 342V, but must be used, may be appropriate to adjust the submersible pump protection switch rated current. However, it should be used when the current control does not exceed 1.1 times the rated current of the motor, and control the use of time so that the motor will not overload too long, resulting in overheating stator winding damage. (2) power off or power failure, such as cable rupture, fuse blown, control protection switch contact is poor, control and protection device action. Approach is to carefully check the fuse, control protection switches and protective devices, check whether due to power failure or power failure, or due to fuses, switches and protective devices or poor contact caused by the phase failure or power failure, and then repair the fuse Power, switch and protective devices caused by the power or off phase. (3) pump impeller stuck. The treatment method is to dismantle the pump, remove the impeller debris, repair the pump. (4) stator coil short circuit. Approach is to check the stator coil short circuit, repair submersible pump stator winding. At the same time, check the reason for the short circuit of the stator coil, eliminate the fault of the submersible motor and avoid the short circuit of the stator coil again. (5) cable is too small or too long, the cable pressure drop is too large, resulting in submersible pump voltage is too low, can not start. Approach is to replace the cable according to the reasonable choice of the cable, reduce the voltage drop of the cable. When the use of submersible pump away from the power supply location, longer cable, voltage drop is too large, the cable section should be appropriately bold. If the cable length is doubled, the cable cross-section should be doubled accordingly. (6) guide bearing and shaft clearance is too small. Water-filled submersible pump guide bearing shaft clearance is too small, easy to produce when running the axis of the problem, the treatment is to repair or replace the guide bearing. (7) Water-filled submersible motor cavity less than the axis of the phenomenon of empowerment. Approach is to repair or replace the damaged bearings, while the water-filled submersible pump should ensure that the lumen filled with water. (8) long-term use after the pump placed, resulting in parts of the impeller and mouth rust, especially for the guide vane submersible pump. Treatment method is to open the pump on the diversion shell, clean the rust site, so that submersible pump can be flexible rotation. Through the above introduction, we know that there are many reasons that the submersible pump does not have water after power-on, and the corresponding treatment methods are naturally different. Users encounter this problem, have a good analysis of the next reason, to find the right remedy to solve the problem, troubleshooting. Expand to read: Pumps Valves Tube Fittings Exhibition Water Expo Xiamen Maritime Exhibition Internet + Forum Yiwu Fair Mold Top Ten Brands 2016 Exhibition Information This article belongs to Industrial Internet (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. All are welcome to reprint, please note Ming author and source of: Asian pumps network editor: small L (QQ / micro-channel:) starting: http: // (service hotline:)
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