Security technology basic term explanation

Security technology basic term explanation

  Two full synchronization of all locks are used for precision applications such as full synchronization between broadcast studio cameras best way. It will synchronize: horizontal, vertical, even/odd areas, color trigger frequency and phase.
Vertical synchronization is the simplest way to synchronize two cameras, through the vertical drive frequency can be employed to ensure that the video or the old switch of quad machines, displays several video sources on the same monitor. The vertical drive signal is typically composed of pulses with a repetition rate of 20/16.7 milliseconds (50/60 Hz) and a pulse width of 1 to 3 milliseconds.
Color video composite sync, composite color video signal representing the video and color trigger signal, means that the camera can be synchronized and external composite color video signal. However, although it is called color video composite signal synchronization, only horizontal sync and vertical sync are actually performed, and no color trigger sync.
External synchronization is very similar to a color video composite sync. One camera can synchronize to the video signal of another camera, and an external synchronization camera can use the input color video composite signal to extract horizontal and vertical sync signals for synchronization.
DC cable lock is an ancient technique, by the DC current 50/60 Hz power line to synchronize the camera. Because DC 24 volt power supplies are widely used in most building fire alarm systems, they are very easy to obtain. Since the old model of the switcher and the splitter system does not have a digital memory function, it is necessary to maintain a stable image, and the synchronization between the cameras is necessary. The DC line lock is the camera's synchronization with the AC 50/60 Hz, and the time correlation and level between the color channels. /vertical signal is not constrained
This leads to poor color conversion (color stage design), so all users who use AC line lock inevitably lose good color conversion. Fortunately, today's splitters and 16-channel composite processors and hard disk recorders have internal memory to overcome this problem, eliminating the need for synchronization signals, so the AC line lock may be phased out in a few years.
When the colorless scrolling digital signal processor using a video camera under fluorescent lights, only serious color scrolling images. The image will change from white to blue, pink to white, and so on. This is due to problems caused by AC power running at 50/60 Hz. The incandescent bulb provides a steady light, while the light from the fluorescent lamp fluctuates at a rate of 8.3 ms due to the intensity and color of the alternating current. The traditional camera calculates the white balance and needs 100~150ms (0.1~0.15).
It is 8.5ms slower than AC, so it can never catch up. Color scrolling can be clearly produced by the current image through 8 cycles.
BLC can provide a very strong exposure over the background light in front of the target, regardless of the destination to the primary intermediate, or up and down any position of the screen. An ordinary camera that does not have super dynamic characteristics has only a shutter speed of 1/60 second and an aperture of F2.0. However, a very bright background behind a main target or a point source is inevitable, and the camera will acquire The average of all recent light and the level of exposure is not a good method.
Because when the shutter speed increases, the aperture is closed and the main target becomes too dark to be seen. To overcome this problem, a method called backlight compensation is widely used on most cameras by weighted region theory. The image is first divided into 7 or 6 regions (the two regions are repeated), and each region can be independently weighted to calculate the exposure level. For example, the middle portion can be added to the remaining blocks 9 times, so one is in the middle of the picture. The goal of the location can be seen very clearly.
Because the exposure is mainly calculated with reference to the light level of the middle area. However, there is a very big drawback. If the main target moves from idle to the top, bottom, left and right positions of the picture, the target will become very dark, because now it is not distinguished and has not been weighted.
F indicates the aperture of the lens, F stops 2:1 and f3.4 mm indicates that the focal length of the lens is 3.4 mm.
Lens F2.0 and f3.4~4 are very economical. They should be used at low prices. They are widely used in single-board cameras. The aperture of F2.0 lens can collect half of the human eye, f3.4 mm lens. It has a 60 degree viewing angle on a 1/4 inch CCD and a 90 degree viewing angle on a 1/3 inch CCD, very close to the human eye. The eyes of the human eye can contain a larger angle of view, ranging from 150 to 180 degrees from person to person, but keep in mind that F-stop and f-focus are just basic parameters of a shot and do not represent quality. Ultra-wide dynamics are the features that make the camera see the image in very strong contrast. Wide dynamic cameras are dozens of times larger than traditional cameras with only a 3:1 dynamic range. Natural light is arranged from 120,000 Lux to 0.00035 Lux at Starlight Night. When the camera looks out of the window from the inside, the indoor illumination is 100 Lux, and the illumination of the outside scenery may be 10,000 Lux, compared to 10,000/100 = 100:1. This contrast can be easily seen by the human eye because the human eye can handle a contrast ratio of 1000:1, however
The traditional closed-circuit surveillance camera has a big problem in handling it. The traditional camera has only 3:1 contrast performance. It can only choose to use the 1/60 second electronic shutter to get the correct exposure of the indoor target, but the outdoor image will be Clear (all white); or alternatively, the camera selects 1/6000 seconds to get the perfect exposure for outdoor images, but the indoor image will be cleared (all black).
Peak sensing mode is replaced with the average of the entire image by the bright spot image to determine exposure index, the user can use the rules of the system for the most demanding requirements, such as a grab image white point in the dark, but also see the small bright White dots of detail and color.
CMOS is called Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, which is translated into a complementary oxidized metal semiconductor. CMOS manufacturing technology is no different from general computer chips, mainly using semiconductors made of silicon and germanium, which coexist with N (band-to-electric) and P (with +-electric) levels in CMOS. The semiconductor, the current generated by these two complementary effects can be recorded and interpreted by the processing chip into an image.
CCD is called Charge Coupled Device, and Chinese translation is charge coupled device. It is made of a high-sensitivity semiconductor material that converts light into electric charge, and then converts the electrical signal into a digital signal through an analog-to-digital converter chip. The digital signal is compressed and transmitted to the computer via the USB interface. The captured image.
Concept of depth of field: When an object in focus, from the front of a segment distance to all of its objects within a certain scene are also some distance behind as clear. The distance from front to back with a fairly clear focus is called depth of field. The depth of field is divided into deep foreground and deep depth of field, and the depth of the back is deeper than the foreground. The deeper the depth of field, the more distant the scene can be clear, and the depth of field is shallow, the scene far from the focus is blurred.
Is a focal length of the optical parameters of the optical instrument has any of the letter. From the optical principle, the focal length is the distance from the focus to the center of the lens. For the lens, the focal length has a very important meaning. The length of the focal length is proportional to the size of the image. The longer the focal length, the larger the image, and the shorter the focal length, the smaller the image. The focal length of the lens is inversely proportional to the size of the viewing angle. The longer the focal length, the smaller the viewing angle, and the shorter the focal length, the larger the viewing angle. The focal length is inversely proportional to the depth of field. The longer the focal length, the smaller the depth of field, and the shorter the focal length, the greater the depth of field. The length of the focal length is inversely proportional to the strength of the perspective.
The longer the focal length, the weaker the perspective, and the shorter the focal length, the stronger the perspective. The focal length is inversely proportional to the contrast. The longer the focal length, the smaller the contrast, and the shorter the focal length, the greater the contrast. The farther the focus distance is, the deeper the depth of field is, and the closer the focus distance is, the shallower the depth of field. Therefore, you should select a lens with a large focusing distance when shooting a distant view, and a product with a smaller focusing distance when shooting a close-up. The lens focusing distance is expressed in cm (cm), which is clear at a glance.
Switch with manual switching, automatic switching two modes, is to see which way the manual mode toggle switch where to put all the way; automatic mode is to preset video sequence delayed switching, switching time may be adjusted by a knob, Usually between 1 second and 35 seconds. If it is not required to monitor at all times, a switch can be added in the monitoring room to connect the camera output signal to the input of the switch. The output of the switch is connected to the monitor. The input of the switch is divided into 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 channels, the output is divided into single and dual channels,
It is also possible to switch audio simultaneously (depending on the model).
Video server is a kind of video and audio data compression, storage and handling of specialized computer equipment, which in terms of video surveillance, network teaching, Ip video conferencing, video on demand ad insertion, and others have a wide range of applications. The video server adopts M-JPEG, H.261, H.263, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and other compression formats, and compresses and encodes the video data in accordance with the technical specifications to meet the requirements of storage and transmission. With multi-channel input and output, a variety of video and audio format interfaces. Can be equipped with SCSI,
The network interfaces such as FC are networked to realize the transmission and sharing of video and audio data. It consists of video and audio compression encoder, large-capacity storage device, input/output channel, network interface, video and audio interface, RS422 serial interface, protocol interface, software interface, video and audio interface matrix, etc. Phase and video processing capabilities.
Network camera is a combination of traditional cameras and camera generation network technology generated, which images can be transmitted over the network with a network port connected to the other end, and the distal end of the viewer without using any professional software, as long as the standard A web browser (such as "Microsoft IE or Netscape" can monitor its image. The network camera has an embedded chip embedded in the embedded real-time operating system. The video signal transmitted by the camera is digitized and compressed by a high-efficiency compression chip and transmitted over the network bus. Go to the web server.

Users on the network can directly view the camera image on the web server by using a browser, and the authorized user can also control the action of the camera pan/tilt lens or operate the system configuration.
Motion detection entire monitor screen is divided into a plurality of small regions, the user can select any region wherein the region of 1-20 and may be provided on the selected sensitivity level monitored region. This will be detected by the camera server when something moves, and video recording will be performed at the same time.
Communication interface in the security monitoring system of communication interfaces mainly for input and output of video, audio speaking of. Therefore, the communication interface generally has the following types: RS-232, RS-485, general network interface, can support PSTN, ISDN and LAN various networking environments, with USB2.0 ultra-high-speed data interface, connect the computer to backup important image data Optional with progressive scan VGA output interface.
Monitor is a monitoring system standard output, with the monitor we can watch the front end to send back images. The monitor is divided into two colors, black and white, and the size is 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 21 inches, etc., commonly used is 14 inches. The monitor also has a resolution, which is represented by the number of lines as the camera. In actual use, the number of monitor lines is generally required to match the camera. In addition, some monitors also have audio input, S-video input, RGB component input, etc., except for the audio input monitoring system, most of the other functions are used for image processing, and will not be introduced here.
Video amplifier when relatively far from the video transmission, video is preferable to use larger diameter wire line, and can increase the video amplifiers that boost the signal strength of long-distance transmission line in the object. The video amplifier can enhance the brightness, chrominance, and sync of the video, but the inter-line interference signals are also amplified. In addition, too many video amplifiers cannot be connected in series in the loop, otherwise saturation will occur, resulting in image distortion.
It is composed of two alternating head mounting plate for horizontal and vertical movement. According to the use environment, it is divided into indoor type and outdoor type. The main difference is that the outdoor type sealing performance is good, waterproof, dustproof and load-bearing. The mounting method is divided into side loading and lifting, which is whether the gimbal is installed on the ceiling or mounted on the wall. The shape is divided into ordinary type and spherical type. The spherical head is placed in a hemispherical and spherical protective cover. In addition to preventing dust from interfering with images, it is also concealed, beautiful and fast.
Embedded system refers to the operating system and software integration features into computer hardware in the system. Simply put, the application software of the system is integrated with the hardware of the system, similar to the way the BIOS works. It has the characteristics of small software code, high automation and fast response. Particularly suitable for systems that require real-time and multitasking.
Can in turn send a full-duplex receive the same timing. Full-duplex requirements: Receive and transmit each have separate channels, can be used to achieve communication between two stations and star network, ring network, not available for bus network.
Half-duplex same time can not both send and receive, send and receive is a division of. Half-duplex requirements: Transceivers can share the same channel. Local area networks that can be used in various topologies are most commonly used in bus networks. Half-duplex data rates are theoretically half of full-duplex.
Direction curtain infrared detectors generally work using bidirectional pulses note number, i.e. the direction A to direction B alarm, the direction A to direction B does not alarm. With intrusion direction recognition capability, the user enters the warning zone from inside to outside, and does not trigger an alarm. Returning within a certain period of time will not cause an alarm. Only an illegal intruder will invade the alarm from the outside, which greatly facilitates the user to fortify. The activity in the alert area does not trigger the alarm system.
High-speed automatic tracking dome is a set of optical, electronic, mechanical, and information processing in one network, a camera, a power transmission, motion control devices, image analysis based on high-speed parallel processing, recognition, compression, and communications components. Features video capture, position control, orientation and lens presets, moving target detection, recognition and tracking, flame and smoke detection alarms. When the moving target enters the field of view of the spherical camera, the high-speed DSP chip is used to perform differential calculation on the image of the previous frame and the current image.
When a certain value is reached, it is determined that a certain part of a frame is a moving object, and then the ball machine automatically issues a command to the dome of the dome, so that the spherical camera realizes continuous tracking of the moving object without requiring Human operations do not require the support of a computer system. Lockstep line (LINE LOCK) is an AC power source using a synchronous manner to lock the camera field sync pulse. When the image has network interference caused by AC power, turn this switch to the line lock synchronization (LL) position to eliminate the interference from the AC power supply.
The automatic gain control signal output from the video camera must meet the predetermined standard level of the television transmission, i.e., able to standard video signals can be output under different illumination conditions of the scene, the gain of the amplifier must be capable in a wide range of adjust. This gain adjustment is usually done automatically by detecting the average level of the video signal. The circuit that implements this function is called an automatic gain control circuit, or AGC for short. Cameras with AGC function will have higher sensitivity in low illumination, but the noise will be more obvious at this time. This is because the signal and noise are simultaneously amplified.
It is the source of the sound source, there is no audio, sound reduction with sound system does not arise. The sound source has two meanings. One is the carrier that records the sound. Only when the sound is recorded on a certain carrier, can the sound of the carrier be restored by the audio device, which is the source of the sound in the sound system. So called the sound source. Another meaning of the sound source refers to the device that plays the sound source carrier. Signals that are continuous in time and whose amplitude changes continuously with time are called analog signals (for example, sound waves are analog signals, currents transmitted in sound systems,
The voltage signal is also an analog signal. The source for recording and processing analog signals is an analog sound source, such as a tape/card holder or an LP/LP player. The signal recorded and processed by the analog sound source is the original color of the sound (accurately, the electrical signal converted from the sound), which can be directly amplified by a conventional amplifier, which is convenient and straightforward to process; digital sound source recording,
It deals with the abstract binary data stream formed by the combination of 0 and 1 alignment, which is very unintuitive. Sound waves are analog and cannot be used directly for digital sound sources. They must be converted to digital signals by conversion equipment to be recorded on the digital sound source carrier. During playback, the data read by the digital source device cannot be directly amplified by a conventional amplifier and must be converted to an analog signal. It can be seen that the digital audio signal processing process is much more complicated. However, the advantages of digital audio sources are outstanding: the signal-to-noise ratio and dynamic range are far better than analog audio sources, and the quality of the signal does not decrease after multiple copies and multiple transmission links.
This analog sound source can't be done anyway.
AVS is China's self-developed audio and video coding technology standard. The AVS Working Group was established in June 2002 and the first working meeting began in August of that year. After 7 AVS formal working sessions and 3 additional video group additional meetings, after a year and a half, 182 proposals were reviewed and 41 proposals were adopted. The AVS video part was finalized on December 19, 2003. The core technologies featured in AVS-Video include: 8x8 integer transform, quantization, intra prediction, 1/4 precision pixel interpolation, special inter prediction motion compensation, two-dimensional entropy coding, deblocking in-loop filtering, etc.
. Current AVS-Video technology enables compression of video in different formats, such as standard definition (CCIR 601 or equivalent), low definition (CIF, SIF).
Real-time codec technology is the raw data collected in real time DVR is processed, converted into a standard MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 format image file directly to the hard disk storage, and an intermediate backlog without loss of data; it Mainly compared with computer burning, when the computer is burned, the original data is collected first, and then the data is processed into a standard MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 format image file. Real-time codec technology requires that the speed of the entire system be fast enough, otherwise it can only be achieved by reducing the quality of the image and reducing the amount of data.
Super HAD image sensor built-in application "Super Hole Accumulation Diode (HAD) " electronic image enhancement of CCD image sensor, to improve the performance of the CCD sensor and enhance the digital signal processing functions, and to reduce the effective noise when the image is not necessary to The interference makes the picture clearer and clearer, and the color layer is more distinct. It is especially effective when the spot light source is insufficient or shooting night scenes.
That white balance White Balance. The color of the object will change due to the color of the projected light. Images taken in different light situations will have different color temperatures. For example, a photo taken in an environment illuminated by a tungsten lamp (light bulb) may be yellowish. In general, the CCD has no way to automatically correct the change of light like the human eye. Therefore, through the correction of the white balance, it will adjust the intensity of the red, green and blue colors of the entire image according to the image characteristics in the current image to correct the error caused by the external light. Some cameras offer manual white balance adjustment in addition to automatic white balance or specific color temperature white balance.
VBR codec is codec means can automatically adjust the bandwidth based on the size of the data amount, the image experience rapid changes, the allocation of bandwidth when larger rich color; slow image change, when the color distribution is less abundant The bandwidth is smaller, which saves the space of the hard disk while ensuring the quality of image recording.

Fixed stream codec to provide bandwidth is fixed, regardless of the amount of data size, when the rich color images, when rapid changes are often not enough bandwidth and reduce the quality of the video, looks a little pause image or color changed appearance; and the amount of image data When it is not large, it provides more bandwidth and wastes storage space.
One pixel is an important indicator of the camera, some of the products will be marked with 300,000 pixels or 35 million pixels in the box. In general, products with higher pixels have better image quality. On the other hand, the higher the pixel, the better. For the same picture, the higher the pixel, the stronger the ability to parse the image. In order to obtain a high-resolution image or picture, the amount of data recorded is also large. Much more, the requirements for storage devices are much higher, so you should pay attention to the relevant storage devices when choosing.
Access Control System is a new access management: allows those with permission to enter the designated area, while refusing to personnel without permission. The protagonist of the system is a card reader or PIN pad mounted on the door side. They transfer the read data to the local controller and confirm whether it can pass according to the database compiled in advance.

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