Pumps in the operation of the inspection and routine maintenance: (1) pay attention to whether the unit abnormal noise and vibration. (2) Check the unit over-temperature phenomenon, the maximum allowable temperature of the bearing is 90 ° C. To touch the bearing seat, feel hot can not stay, indicating that the temperature is too high. (3) Note that the packing seal is good. Too loose cause start-up difficulties, excessive consumption of excessive power, and even the possibility of burning the motor, the appropriate tightness of about 60 drops per minute is appropriate. (4) pay attention to whether the operation of the coupling noise. (5) Observe the power voltage and current changes, because the voltage is too low will cause damage to the motor, speed reduced. (6) The pump should be maintained on a regular basis. After the new pump is operated normally for 100h, replace the oil and change the oil every 500h after the operation. Pumps with solid grease such as butter should be replaced at 1500h. (7) found that the technical status of the poor parts in time to replace. (8) cold season pump not working promptly released pump water. (9) The various pipe fittings, such as valves, should be diligently maintained so that they are in good technical condition.