Strong honing

In recent years, due to the emergence of strong grinding, strong honing has gradually been applied in metal processing, and will gradually replace the past inefficient honing processing. Since it is machined by the deep-cutting grinding principle, the combination of high efficiency and high-precision machining organically increases the honing margin from 0.1 mm to 0.3-0.5 mm, even to 1 mm. or more. This article will introduce some of the technical issues in the powerful honing.

Led Slim Gimbal Recessed Downlight 3cct

Rhein Lighting has developed a line of LED slim gimbal recessed downlight 3cct with a junction box. This led gimbal recessed light is IC rated, which is permitted to be in contact with insulations in ceilings.

The 4-inch led gimbal down light use the new generation of LED chips with higher lumen ouput and lower power. 750LM consumes 9 Watts, which equals to 75W incandescent lamp, saving you up to 88% in energy costs.

The ultra-thin gimbal smart downlight is only 0.47 inches and requires as small as 2 inches ceiling spaces, fits various ceilings, and around joists. 5%-100% smooth dimming meets kinds of needs in applications such as kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom and common areas in your home or office.

Rhein Lighting is a professional manuafacturer of slim Led Downlight , LED panel down light, Led Panel Light, Led Strip Light and Led Grow Light etc.

3 Inch Led Gimbal Recessed Lighting,Adjustable Recessed Led Gimbal Downlight,Lithonia 6 Gimbal Wafer,Square Gimbal Led Downlight

Rhein Lighting Technology Co.,Ltd. ,

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