Security industry reveals whether low-standard milk is safe

The new national standard for the dairy industry was opposed and there was support. "If our testing standards are to be read abroad tomorrow, 80% of the milk will be drained, and most consumers will not drink milk, and even 70% of dairy farmers will kill dairy cows." Association Secretary General Nadamut and standing director Jin Hai said. However, some people also questioned that "this is an excuse for concealing the interests of the industry under the pretext of national conditions." To standard or no milk? Is it safe to drink a slightly lower, slightly more standard milk? In the face of this controversy scene, the security industry helped to reveal doubts.

Does reducing the standard milk damage consumers' health?

Now, the protein of milk has been reduced from 2.95 grams per one hundred grams to 2.8 grams. The standard is a little lower, but it is better than no milk. In fact, the nutrients we need are not obtained only by milk. We also need to eat a lot of food every day. In addition, the total number of 2 million bacteria is not all pathogenic bacteria, many are lactic acid bacteria, yeast, etc., no harm to the human body. After pathogenic bacteria are sterilized by high temperature, live bacteria will not be present and will not directly cause disease. Only some of the metabolites of pathogenic bacteria will be a little detrimental to the human body, but the extent to which they are affected does not currently have any specific data. What is bacteria? This is something that is ubiquitous. We usually open our mouths to breathe, and we have to have a lot of bacteria in our mouths. Bacteria and humans coexist, not as scary as some people think. Also, the largest nutrient in milk is actually calcium, where calcium is the most easily absorbed. So, from a consumer's point of view, the milk we drink at the moment is only slightly lower and a little bit thinner. Is this important?

The history of China's dairy industry is less than that of foreign countries, but foreign security monitoring experience can introduce a new policy of milk country standard, allowing dairy farmers to squeeze milk to sell milk. The scene is rejoicing and sad. The development history of China's dairy industry is less than that of foreign countries. Foreign policy may not be suitable for China. However, the introduction of foreign security monitoring experience is not often a "good medicine" for relieving.

Swedish dairy cows have ID cards The Swedish table is inseparable from dairy products, from milk, yogurt to cheese, toffee... none of them are favored by Swedes. According to statistics from the Swedish Ministry of Agriculture, the output value of the dairy industry currently accounts for 35% of the country's total agricultural output value. Sweden's annual per capita milk consumption is 115 liters and cheese consumption is 17 kilograms. With such a large amount of consumption, how does the Swedish guarantee milk safety?

“The most important thing is to do a safe job from the milk source. In Sweden, every cow has an 'identity card', which is a chip ear tag worn on the ears of cattle.” Bostrop of the Swedish Food Safety Assurance Center Mr. Mu told the Life Times reporter that Sweden implements a "milk herd health plan" to ensure the health of each cow. The cow's ear tag records the individual identity of the cow, breeding records, health records, and daily intake, milk production, and other related information. These conditions can be stored directly into the computer. Once the milk is in trouble, it can find every head. The body of a cow.

In addition, more than 300 dairy farmers' associations in Sweden provide services to milk producers. More than 50 veterinarians go all over the country to do preventive work for dairy farms to ensure that the production of raw milk is limited to healthy individuals who do not have various bovine animal diseases. .

Even the feed of dairy cows has strict regulations. Most dairy cows adopt feeding and management methods that mainly rely on grazing and supplementary feeding. Grasslands are carefully maintained artificial pastures, and forage grasses are also specially selected for dairy cows. In order to ensure the nutritional balance of dairy cows, some mixed feeds should be fed on time. Swedish feed companies must have a certificate of competency to be allowed to provide mixed feeds to dairy farms. These mixed feeds are made from natural ingredients, do not contain antibiotics, do not contain growth-promoting agents, and do not contain any synthetic additives.

To carry out such strict checks on milk sources also requires high-quality dairy farmers. The Dairy Farmers Association organizes regular trainings each year to teach dairy farmers how to apply advanced management techniques and how to improve cowsheds. All dairy cow breeders must pass special examinations to obtain dairy cows' permits. At the same time, the government will reward the milk farmers with good milk quality.

Dutch milk canister installation alarm Dutch dairy industry prevails in agricultural cooperatives. Dairy farmers are owners of dairy companies. Therefore, the quality of milk is related to the vital interests of each dairy farmer. In ensuring the quality and safety of milk, milking sites are particularly strict.

At a dairy company's milking site, the environment was clean and orderly. A milker told reporters that in order to avoid infection and contamination, no other livestock could enter, except cows that were milking. If a visitor visits the milking station of other dairy farms, it must be isolated for 48 hours before entering the room. The cows have specialized passages, enter the operating room from one door, and go out from the other door after the crowding. Milk tanks are equipped with alarm devices that can display, record the temperature and cleanliness of milk tanks, and can also send out alerts. In addition, there are specialized testing personnel that continuously analyze somatic cell counts, bacterial counts, antibiotics, and other observable indicators.

In the Netherlands, milking sites must introduce national certification standards in order to improve food safety and milk quality. Both of these criteria must be met and the milk that has been squeezed out can be sent to the processing plant. It is worth mentioning that the Netherlands has a national milk testing laboratory where all milk tests are conducted. The milk factory must send the collected milk samples to the National Milk Testing Laboratory for testing. Dairy farmers can check the test results via the internet.

“Each of us are supervisors of milk quality, and people do not dare to care about the health and safety of milk.” An elderly milker said that in the Netherlands, milking sites are the most stringent protection base for milk safety.

Concluding remarks Since the melamine incident, many dairy companies in China have started monitoring measures. But why did the safety incidents happen again? The reason is that there is no national action. The Dutch milkers said well, “Every one of us is a supervisor of milk quality, and people do not dare to care about the health and safety of milk.” As long as we act together with the people, plus help from security monitoring facilities, we believe our milk. Industry safety issues will continue to improve.


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