What are the benefits of mixed pesticides?

Reasonable mixed use of pesticides can improve the control effect, expand the scope of prevention, reduce the amount of drugs, and reduce the cost of production. In summary, there are mainly the following aspects:
1. Reducing the resistance of pests to medicinal agents After a period of use, any pesticides, diseases, insects, grasses, and rodents that are controlled by them will produce certain resistance. As the time of single administration increases or the concentration increases, the resistance The medicinal properties will gradually increase and reduce the control effect. If used improperly, it will greatly reduce the efficacy in a short time. For example, in China, the pyrethrum vinegar pesticides tried and promoted in the early 1980s, more than 30 kinds of pests have been resistant to deltamethrin. In just a few years, some areas have reached 160,000 times more resistance to cotton aphid. And a reasonable mixture can delay the resistance of pests to certain pesticides.
2. To make up for the shortage of certain pesticides, some of the pesticides have slower effects, some have short potency, some have narrow control, and can only prevent certain pests. The mixed preparations are also vulnerable to the fixed restrictions of the control objects. Harmful. Mixing more than two agents can make up for the deficiencies of these pesticides. If the mixture of dichlorvos and triclosan is mixed, it can not only exert the characteristics of high lethality and quick effect of European enemies, but also can exert the advantages of long time of antibacterial effect of triclosan. Fast, long-lasting effect.
3. Extending the use time of new pesticides After the advent of a new variety of pesticides, in order to extend the service life, it can be mixed with old varieties. For example, deltamethrin is mixed with dimethoate to control vegetable aphids; deltamethrin and malathion are used to control eggplant red spider, etc., which can improve the control effect and prolong the use time of deltamethrin pesticides.
This article is published by the China Pesticide Network . Please indicate the source.

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