The decline in the contract price of the manufacturers undoubtedly exacerbated the market's pessimistic attitude. The psychological support of the merchants was lost. The market prices in all regions generally fell, and the market prices in East China and South China fell by 500-600 yuan/ton. The lack of confidence in the trader's market, reduced enthusiasm for receiving goods, and the supply of goods in the market decreased compared with the previous period. Downstream manufacturers had poor start-up conditions and limited consumption of inventories. The market was unable to obtain support from the demand side. Affected by this, the market demand in various regions is weak, and there are fewer enquiries. The enthusiasm of traders is not high, and the market transactions are limited. At present, all regions are generally bearish on the market, and the possibility of recent emergence of favorable factors is extremely small. Most traders believe that there will not be a large increase in market demand in the short term, and market prices will further decline.
Corrosion-Resistance Alloy,mainly refers to ordinary stainless steel resists atmosphere and sea water corrosion such as 300 series stainless steel including 304,316L, 317L etc.; comparatively strong corrosion resistance material including austenitic stainless steel 904L, 254SMOand Dual phase steel 2205,2507 etc.; Corrosion Resistant Alloy containing Cu 20 alloy; In comparison to non-metal corrosion resistant materials, corrosion-Resistance Alloy main refers to iron alloy (resistance to corrosion); nickel alloy (Ni-Cr alloy, Ni-Cr-Mo alloy, Ni-Cu alloy and other active metal.
Corrosion-Resistance Alloy
Corrosion-Resistance Alloy,Corrosion-Resistant Alloy Tube,Corrosion-Resistant Alloy Welding Wire,Corrosion-Resistant Nickel-Chromium Alloy
Jiangsu nickel alloy Co.,Ltd ,