Gas mask, US Army Devil Training Camp essentials

You may be surprised at the use of gas masks by the U.S. Army, which is being staged at the Devil Training Camp.

In the desert north of Barstow, Calif., an area of ​​nearly 2,600 square kilometers in the desert has a well-known US military base at Fort Irwin National Training Center. Fort Irwin is the largest training base for the US Army. American soldiers will come here to receive relevant training before they travel to Iraq or Afghanistan.

In order to realistically reproduce every detail of the battlefield, Owenbourne vigorously promoted the so-called "situation rehearsal." According to the training center official, Mr. Wattsav, Owenborg now has 40 lanes with different training contents. These designers are Hollywood professional company personnel specially invited by the US military. The buildings, trees, language, currency and food circulating in these laneways are all designed according to the same items in Iraqi villages. Most of the villagers who live there are Iraqi-Americans. They usually speak Arabic and live according to the Arab customs. U.S. soldiers participating in training must also respect their culture.

The soldiers trained here, starting from the moment of getting off the plane, are equivalent to entering a “battlefield” that can be completely unrealistic and even harsher than the real battlefield. Soldiers have been living in simulated Arab villages during the training period. The conditions here are more difficult than those of the real Iraqi villages and villages. There are shellings every night, and surprise attacks often occur. Anti-armies often launch attacks when they are unstable, or lure them into the ambush circle with unfamiliar terrain. The position was heavily guarded, full of armed sentries, dense wire fences, all sorts of skeletons, and machine guns mounted on sandbags. The command post was also covered with camouflage nets and sandbags. Under dim DC lights, various operational maps were placed. The simulated gunshots were intertwined with the roar of the radio. Even the chemical attack that the “enemy” may launch at any time using simulated smoke containing tear gas has caused gas masks to become everyday items that soldiers must use every day.

The performance of the soldiers trained here is very difficult to evaluate with a good medium difference. As long as a small mistake is made, it may lead to serious consequences. Even sometimes, a small gas mask will play a major role, which is unpredictable. It is also here that the baptism and training received by the soldiers gave them enough confidence to face them in the face of real war.

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