Solar energy utilization

Photothermal utilization: It collects solar radiant energy and converts it into thermal energy through interaction with matter. At present, the most used solar energy collection devices are mainly three types of flat type collectors, vacuum tube collectors and focus collectors. Solar power: The large-scale use of solar energy in the future is used to generate electricity. There are two main ways to use solar power to generate electricity: 1 light-heat-electric conversion. That is, using the thermal energy generated by solar radiation to generate electricity. Generally, a solar collector is used to convert the absorbed heat energy into steam of the working medium, and then the steam driven gas turbine drives the generator to generate electricity. The former process is light-to-heat conversion, and the latter process is heat-to-electric conversion. 2 light-to-electricity conversion. The basic principle is to use the photovoltaic effect to convert solar radiant energy directly into electrical energy. Its basic device is a solar cell.

Photochemical utilization: This is a photo-chemical conversion method that uses solar radiation to directly decompose water to produce hydrogen.

Photobio-utilization: The process of converting solar energy into biomass through photosynthesis of plants. At present, there are mainly fast-growing plants (such as firewood forests), oil crops and giant seaweeds.


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