Smart Mirror Appears: Equipped with Android to view daily information

According to foreign media reports on March 16, smartphones make life more convenient, especially when you can find the information you want in one hand. But what if it is charging or unfortunately not being taken with it? Try the "smart mirror" in the photo bathroom!

This smart mirror is a idea that was developed by a foreign technology called Nick Nothom. It can be seen that the mirror shows a message board function similar to a smart phone, and even a music player interface... it is simply a smart phone. The function is ported to the mirror. Nick Nothom says it uses a voice command principle similar to a smartphone or Android Wear wearable.

The idea of ​​this smart mirror is that Nick Nothom explains that he wants to design a device that can make people less reliant on smartphones but can use certain features to get instant information; for example, no special removal is required. Mobile phones, look at the mirror before going to bed to get the weather tomorrow, browse Google News, or browse the eBay website.

Silicon Mirror

Precision Optical Flats are ideal for a variety of applications including interferometry, imaging systems, laser applications, optical path folding, and autocollimation. These mirrors are available in a variety of coating and substrate options, along with surface flatness options of λ/10 and λ/20. Fused Silica, is optically clear and features excellent resistance to abrasion and high durability, making it the best choice for applications in harsh environments.

Silicon features a Knoop Hardness of 1150 and low density, making it tougher than germanium substrates and suitable for weight-sensitive applications, respectively. Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coated Silicon Windows are engineered for 3 to 5µm, making them ideal for infrared defense applications such as thermal imaging.
Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coated Silicon Windows provide anti-reflection coating on one surface and a specially designed DLC coating on the other surface, making these windows highly durable and ideal for harsh environments.

Silicon windows,Silicon Lens and Silicon Optical Mirrors specifications:
Standard precision of Silicon lens and optical mirrors High-precision of Silicon lens and optical mirrors
Dimension Tolerance φ5-250mm+0/-0.2 φ3-350mm+0/-0.2
Thickness Tolerance 1-50mm+/-0.1 1-50mm
Centration 3 arc minute 1 arc minute
Surface Quality 60/40 20/10
Power(fringe@633nm) N<λ/2@633nm(in 25mm) N<λ/10@633nm(in 25mm)
Clear Aperture >90% >95%
Chamfer Protected <0.5mmx45deg Protected <0.5mmx45deg

Silicon Mirrors,Infrared Si Lens,Infrared Silicon Wafers,Silicon Plates

China Star Optics Technology Co.,Ltd. ,

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