Five divisions, 81 groups, thousands of acres of cantaloupe, pest control, use of drones

A few days ago, the reporter was spraying a pesticide and foliar fertilization in the field of a cantaloupe field in the fifth company of the Eighth Division of the 5th Division of the Xinjiang Corps. To prevent and control pests and diseases and ensure the normal growth of cantaloupe, chemical prevention and control was carried out.

At the drug fight site, the operator poured the pesticide into the drone's medicine box, accompanied by a slight humming of the engine, carrying a small drone that stirred the pesticide slowly, and slowly started at the low altitude of the cantaloupe under the remote control of the operator. Flying, the white medicine spray was sprayed, and more than 50 acres of cantaloupe was sprayed in less than half an hour.

It is understood that compared with traditional artificial application, small agricultural drones have obvious advantages in the application of pesticides to control pests and diseases, not only high efficiency, good control effect, but also suitable for large-scale promotion.

It is reported that the group has planted more than 1006 mu of cantaloupe, and all of them are controlled by integrated drones.

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