Hefei Research Institute made use of thin-layer nanomaterials to detect heavy metal ions

Recently, Guo Zheng, an associate researcher at the Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machinery, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has synthesized Pb(II), a thin layer of titanium phosphate (TiP) nanomaterial with atomic-scale thickness, and used it to modify electrodes. Selective electrochemical detection. This work has important scientific significance in utilizing the high adsorption performance of thin nanomaterials to improve the selectivity and sensitivity of electrochemical detection of heavy metal ions. Related research results have been published in RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 72,975.

The realization of electrochemically sensitive and selective detection of heavy metal ions in the environment has always been a research hotspot in electroanalytical chemistry, and nanomaterials due to their special properties such as large specific surface area, high active sites, and excellent electronic conductivity They are widely used in electrochemically modified electrodes for the detection of heavy metal ions. However, metal phosphates (eg, zirconium phosphate, titanium phosphate, tin phosphate) nanomaterials are rarely used for electrochemical detection because of their poor electrical conductivity. Studies have shown that using the special interlayer structure of metal phosphates, the thin layer of phosphoric acid nanomaterials obtained after stripping shows excellent electrochemical performance.

Considering the high electrochemical activity of the thin layer of phosphoric acid nanomaterials, the large specific surface area, and the selective adsorption of heavy metal ions by reactive groups exposed after stripping, researchers in the research group synthesized large-sized α-TiP nanomaterials. The peeled thin layer of TiP with atomic-scale thickness was modified on the electrode to detect Pb(II). Compared to large-size α-TiP nanomaterials, thin-layered TiP nanomaterials with atomic-scale thickness exhibit better detection performance, which is mainly attributed to the exposure of a large number of hydroxyl groups (-OH) on the surface of thin TiP nanomaterials. The strong interaction between -OH and Pb(II) makes the nanomaterials selectively adsorb Pb(II) to achieve selective electrochemical detection. The special properties of thin-layer TiP nanomaterials can promote the electrochemical detection of Pb(II) and provide new ideas for thin layer nanomaterials to enhance the electrochemical detection signals of heavy metal ions.

The research work was supported by the National Major Scientific Research Project and the National Natural Science Foundation.

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