Shed dish dusting application

Second choice
Choose suitable dust to control cucumber downy mildew, tomato late blight, use 10% anti-mildew or 5% chlorothalonil dust; control cucumber anthracnose, black heart disease, choose 5% chlorothalonil or 12% Keling spirit dust; control bacterial leaf spot of cucumber, use 10% of B drop dust; control vegetable gray mold, leaf mold, early blight and late blight, use 12% of the benefit of dust.

If you choose a suitable duster, you should use a domestic harvest 5 or 10 hand powder sprayer. Before the application, the shed was closed, and then the powder was sprayed at 1 kg per acre. The pesticide was placed in the sprayer medicine box, and the amount of powder discharged was adjusted to about 200 grams per minute.

Two attention
Note that the spraying time should be applied in the morning or evening, and sprayed on cloudy and rainy days. Applying the best after closing the shed in the evening. In the sunny morning to afternoon, the sunlight is strong and the dust control effect is low.

Pay attention to the spraying method when spraying powder on vegetables. Whether it is uniform or not, the effect is very poor. Only the uniform air-spraying effect is good. If the powder is not evenly distributed, some of the powders will not disperse well and the control effect will be reduced.
Agricultural science and technology newspaper
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