Plastic floor how to shop home plastic floor adhesive What are the advantages

The floor is a kind of material that is widely used in decoration. There are many kinds of floors on the market. Different areas of the floor are different. For example, plastic floor glue, it has a very The difference. The following Xiao Bian will introduce to you the advantages of how to spread plastic flooring and home plastic floor glue.

First, how to spread plastic flooring

1, testing environment

(1) The use of temperature and humidity meter to measure the temperature and humidity, indoor temperature and surface temperature is appropriate 15 °C, should not be below 5 °C and 30 °C above construction. The relative air humidity suitable for construction should be between 20% and 75%.

(2) The moisture content of the base layer is measured using a moisture content tester, and the moisture content of the base layer should be less than 3%.

(3) The strength of the grass-roots level should not be lower than the requirement for the concrete strength C-20, otherwise the appropriate "proper" self-leveling should be used to strengthen the strength.

(4) The test result with a hardness tester should be that the surface hardness of the base layer is not less than 1.2 MPa.

(5) For the construction of floor materials, the unevenness of the grass-roots level shall be less than 2 mm in height within a 2-meter straightedge. Otherwise, proper “self-proper” self-leveling shall be used for leveling.


2, floor treatment

(1) Use a floor polisher with more than 1000 watts and a suitable grinding pad to grind the floor as a whole. Remove paint, glue, and other residues. Raised and loose plots, empty drums must also be removed.

(2) Clean the floor with industrial vacuum cleaners of not less than 2000 watts.

(3) For cracks on the floor, repair can be done by using stainless steel ribs and a waterproof adhesive surface on the surface of quartz sand.


3, grassroots processing

(1) Absorbent bases such as concrete, cement mortar, and leveling layers should be first sealed and then primed with a 1:1 ratio of water to the surface treatment agent.

(2) Non-absorbing substrates such as ceramic tiles, terrazzo, marble, etc., are recommended to use a solid interface agent to find the bottom.

(3) If the base layer has a high moisture content and needs immediate construction, epoxy primers may be used for primer treatment, provided that the base layer moisture content should not exceed 8%.

(4) The construction of the interface treatment agent is uniform and there is no obvious effusion. After the surface of the interface treatment agent is air-dried, the self-leveling construction in the next step can be performed.

4, self-leveling

(1) Pour a self-leveling set into the mixing tank filled with clean water according to the prescribed water-cement ratio, and pour and stir.

(2) In order to ensure uniform self-leveling and mixing, high-power, low-speed electric drills with special stirrers must be used for stirring.

(3) Stir until homogeneous slurry without agglomerates, let it stand for about 3 minutes, and briefly stir once.

(4) The amount of water should be strictly in accordance with the water-cement ratio. Too little water will affect the fluidity, and too much will reduce the strength after curing.


Second, what are the advantages of household plastic floor glue?

1, slip moisture

Household plastic floor adhesives generally have to choose the kind of anti-skid moisture and antibacterial effects.

2, splicing is simple

A variety of colors for household plastic floor glue, and this texture gives a look is also more realistic and beautiful, and then with a variety of decorative strips, you can match a beautiful decorative effect, while the installation method is relatively simple.

3, non-toxic and pollution-free

General household plastic floor adhesive does not contain reflective elements and is a new type of green ground decoration material, so when consumers use it, they do not have to worry too much about its safety.

Summary: About how the shop floor and plastic household plastic rubber flooring What are the advantages related content on the introduction to this, vinyl flooring is relatively widespread use of a material, and this material is also in environmental protection to meet the requirements, you can rest assured use it.


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