"Food Chemicals Codex ," published by the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention , is recognized worldwide recognition including colors , flavors and fragrances , nutritional ingredients, preservatives and other food ingredients and processing aids authenticity standard summary . "Food Chemicals Codex ", the offers to determine the authenticity of each food ingredient composition and quality of targeted detection methods, as well as detection of reference materials used during the authenticity and quality detection methods . New version of " Code " includes the following sections: â— 1100 multi-thematic content, including chemical and structural formula , molecular weight ( chemical weight ) , function definitions, packaging, storage methods , labeling requirements , testing procedures, and other content ; â— 14 appendices content , detailing the enzymes involved in the detection of more than 150 kinds of detection methods , such as those involving issues of purity metal detection and detection of pesticides , as well as markers of authenticity testing, and other content ; â— General information content, involving "Food Good Manufacturing Practice Guide chemical substances ," a series of topic content , the Food and Drug Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) compare and contrast table , FCC citations involved federal regulations, " United States Code " index table , the United States of chemists organization (AOAC) / International Standards Organization (ISO) / International Union of Pure applied Chemistry (IUPAC) method validation guidelines, and a variety of different methods of detection and analysis to help explain . 8th edition FCC for the first time covers food adulteration case database content . By analyzing the finishing 1980-2010 academic articles and media coverage information , the database gives 1300 has been found adulterated reported substance detection methods . These are available for the industry , regulators and other stakeholders deal with adulteration issues and apply risk management techniques to help.