Fairlead roller DIN81906 China Deyuan Marine Fitting Co.,ltd are leading supplier of marine mooring equipment,offer different type of marine chock,marine fairlead,marine fairlead roller Type (mm) D (mm) D1 (mm) D2 (mm) d (mm) d1 (mm) H (mm) H1 (mm) S (mm) A (mm) Fa (kn) Weight (kg) DIN-1 160 195 210 60 85 80 50 2 12 10 18 DIN-2 200 245 265 70 102 102 50 3 12 20 27 DIN-3 250 300 330 85 126 126 50 3 15 32 50 DIN-5 320 390 420 106 160 160 50 3 15 50 85 DIN-8 400 490 530 125 208 208 60 3 18 80 156 DIN-12 450 560 610 160 256 256 85 3 18 125 259 DIN-20 500 620 640 190 278 278 100 5 20 200 376 DIN-30 560 740 780 230 348 348 150 5 20 320 649 &&&& 275N CE approval inflatable life jacket CO2 fire extinguishing system Marine horizontal/vertical oil fired boiler Marine air compressor marine centrifugal pump marine hydraulic steering gear Hydraulic capstan Tunnel thruster/bow thruster &&&&