Peanut application of zinc fertilizer is good

Many flower production areas in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Sichuan, etc. lack zinc in the soil. According to the test, the application of zinc sulfate solution soaked seeds, peanut pods increased yield by 12.5% ​​~ 13.2%. The role of zinc is mainly to promote the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients in peanuts, so that the peanuts grow vigorously, the plant height is leafy, and when the zinc is insufficient, the peanut leaves are stripped chlorosis, severe zinc deficiency, and the whole leaflet is chlorotic. As the main application of zinc fertilizer is zinc sulfate, the application methods are base application and seed soaking. (1) Foundation. Apply 15 kg of zinc sulphate per hectare, apply and apply. (2) Soaking seeds. Soaking seeds with 0.1% to 0.5% zinc sulphate solution for 12 hours, and then drying the seed coat after soaking.

Hua County: Yue Xiuli
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