Centrifugal pump Impeller role is to transfer the mechanical energy of the prime mover directly to the liquid to increase the hydrostatic pressure and kinetic energy of the liquid to increase the static pressure energy. Impellers generally have 6 to 12 blades after bending. Impeller has open, semi-closed and closed three. The open impeller has no cover plate on both sides of the blade, which is simple in manufacture and convenient in cleaning. It is suitable for conveying materials containing a large amount of suspended matter, which has low efficiency and low pressure of liquid to be transported. The semi-closed impeller has no cover on the suction inlet side Plate, and on the other side of the cover, suitable for conveying easily sediment or particles containing materials, the efficiency is lower; closed impeller impeller on both sides of the blade has a front and rear cover, high efficiency, suitable for the delivery of impurities Clean liquid. Most of the centrifugal pump impeller for such. Impeller has a single suction and double suction two suction method. There is a water inlet is a single suction, you can double from the water inlet on both sides.
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