It is better to measure the house use area before you wear it at home. Otherwise, it will be inaccurate due to the thickness of the home improvement. Do not follow the “functional area†(such as bedroom, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.) with chalk when you measure. Make a “zone marking line†and then measure each “zoneâ€. The area is length, width, and width equal to square meters. After all measurements are taken, the measured values ​​of each zone are added again, which is the actual area of ​​your home. .
1, within the use of area
There is an image called "carpet area." In simple terms, it is to put carpets on all areas of your home, how many carpets can be spread, and how much of the area is used.
2, set of wall area
The inner wall area includes the partition wall inside the house (calculated according to the projected area), the partition wall between the two houses (calculated according to half of the projected area), and the outer wall (calculated according to half of the projected area).
3, balcony area
The closed balcony is calculated on the basis of the total area, and the non-enclosed balcony is calculated on the basis of one half of the area (it now seems that all the seals are not sealed).
4, the pool area
The building elevators, fire-fighting aisles, power distribution rooms, water pump rooms, and other ancillary facilities used in the building are half of the horizontal projection area of ​​the external walls. All these are calculated as pool areas.
Learn a few more formulas:Building area = building area (use area) + pool area
Pool area = floor area × pool factor
Pool Factor = Total Building Area &pide; Gross Building Area
The inner building area (use area) = the use area within the suite + the area of ​​the inner wall of the set + the area of ​​the balcony
How to measure the area of ​​house use?The owner can't measure the built-in building area. Only the developer's original drawings and measuring team can measure it. Then how can the owner measure the area of ​​use of the house?
It is best to carry out the measurement before the home is installed, otherwise it will be inaccurate due to the thickness of the home improvement; the measurement does not imitate you first "each functional area" (such as bedroom, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.) with chalk to open the top “Division mark lineâ€, and then measure each “areaâ€, the area is length, width, and width equal to square meters; after all measurements are completed, the measured values ​​of each subarea are added again, which is the actual empty space of your home. It should be noted that if there is a balcony, its area should also be measured, but on the property ownership certificate, it is calculated as 1/2 of the actual area. In addition, the property ownership certificate shows the building area, which includes your residential building area (including the wall area, if it is two partitions, each half), public corridors, public access, community Green belt and so on.
Select decoration company or construction team, some in accordance with the building area of ​​the billing, in order to avoid unanimously reached the amount of postponed area, and some are based on the use of area billing, if you use the area according to the billing then the owner and the merchant must collectively measure Specific figures can be signed and confirmed by both parties.
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