One advantage of the wallpaper differs from other interior materials is that the daily use and maintenance of the wallpaper is very convenient, cleanable and washable, with no other special requirements. Care should be taken to keep the indoor environment dry.
Careful maintenance is the key to prolonging the life of wallpapers and wall coverings. Maintenance also includes pre- and post-care.
Before construction: Paving wallpaper, wall cloth should be selected relative humidity of 85% or less, the temperature should not have drastic changes, we must avoid construction in the wet season and on the wet wall. For the wallpaper to be beautiful and durable, and not easy to foam, the treatment of the wall before construction is very important. Prepare the wallpaper wall to be smooth and free from dirt and dust. Before paving the wallpaper, we recommend that you first apply a layer of polyester paint on the wall to prevent moisture and mildew.
During construction: Adhesive liquid that overflows when pasting wallpaper or wall coverings should be wiped clean with a clean towel at any time, especially the glue marks on the joints should be handled cleanly. Workers are required to keep their hands and tools clean. If they are stained, they should be cleaned with soapy water or detergent.
After construction: After paving, doors and windows should be opened during the day to maintain ventilation; at night, doors and windows should be closed to prevent moisture from entering, and at the same time, the wallpaper just pasted on the wall should be prevented from being loosened by the wind, thus affecting the firmness of the paste. Regularly clean the wallpaper and wall cloths with vacuum cleaner. Pay attention to changing the vacuum cleaner to suck the head. Everyday found special stains to be erased in a timely manner, water resistant wallpaper such as Auchan wallpaper can be scrubbed with water, after washing with a dry towel can be dry; for non-water resistant wall cloth such as Haijibu wall cloth use an eraser, etc., or wipe with a towel Wipe off some of the liquid when it is wrung out.
Usually pay attention to prevent hard objects from hitting, rubbing wallpapers and wall coverings. If there are cracks in some places, subsidies should be given in time and they must not be allowed to develop.
Wallpaper cleaning tips
1, vacuum cleaner;
2, diluted detergent, can also be injected into the sprayer;
3. Spray cleaners thoroughly on the wallpaper;
4, the role of 10 - 15 minutes, stains from the fiber;
5. At the same time when cleaning wallpaper and wall cloth, use a suction machine to suck the washed wallpaper and wall cloth;
6, so that wallpaper, wall cloth completely dry, in order to speed up the wallpaper, wall cloth dry, can open wallpaper, wall cloth dryer.
Summary: The use of wallpaper has advantages and disadvantages that cannot be ignored. It can better decorate our home. However, in the process of use, we must pay attention to various issues in order to better dress beautiful and environmentally friendly homes.
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