Trace elements and reproductive performance of boars

Modern research has found that the lack of trace elements in boars can lead to a decrease in libido in boars, a decrease in the quantity and quality of semen, and affecting breeding and reproduction. W9h China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

1 Zinc and zinc are essential trace elements in animal organisms. They participate in the physiological activities of various enzymes in animal organisms and have an extremely important influence on the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, and gonads. Zinc helps to improve the body's disease resistance, can guarantee the sexual ability of boars, and treat impotence. Since the presence of phytic acid in plant-based diets interferes with the absorption of zinc, hot summer weather can cause a decrease in appetite in boars, resulting in a decrease in zinc intake. Dietary zinc deficiency can hinder the development of testiculars in boars. Adding 70-80mg/kg of zinc to the diet can meet the growth needs of pigs. W9h China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

2 Manganese manganese has important nutritional and physiological functions for animals. Manganese deficiency can cause abnormal bones in animals, lameness, and swelling of the posterior joints. Manganese deficiency in the diet, decreased boar libido and impaired sperm production. W9h China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

3 Selenium and selenium have affinity for the testis, epididymis, prostate and seminal vesicles of boars, and the selenium content of the epididymis is significantly positively correlated with the density of sperm. Lack of selenium can cause anemia, boar semen quality declines, and epithelial cells are blocked and cause testicular function deterioration. In the selenium-deficient areas, pay attention to the addition of vitamins, and pay attention to the supply of vitamin E. Because selenium has a close relationship with vitamins, it has a synergistic effect on the body's enzymes. W9h China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

4 The main function of iodine iodine is to participate in the composition of the thyroid, regulate metabolism in the body and maintain heat balance in the body, and regulate the reproduction, growth and development, erythropoiesis and blood circulation. The typical symptom of iodine deficiency is thyroid enlargement. Hypothyroidism can reduce the sexual desire of boars, and seaweed is rich in iodine is an important substance to ensure thyroid vitality. W9h China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

5 The lack of iron and iron not only causes anemia, but also makes the boars mentally sleepy and weak, which will inevitably affect the boar's participation in breeding. W9h China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

6 Chromium chrome helps promote cholesterol metabolism, enhances the body's endurance, and at certain conditions can promote muscle production, avoid excess fat deposition, prevent boar obesity, and too much fat in boars can affect sexual desire. W9h China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

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