The cement packaging bag should be clearly marked: implementation standard, cement type, code, strength grade, producer name, production license mark (QS) and serial number, factory number, packaging date, net content. Both sides of the package should be printed with different colors and cement grades according to the type of cement. Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement are red, slag Portland cement is green; pozzolan Portland cement, pulverized coal Gray Portland cement and composite Portland cement are black or blue.
Cards with the same contents as the bagged logo should be submitted in bulk shipment.
Portland cement should not be used in the following projects:
Mass concrete
2. Seawater dam concrete
3. Sulfate resistant, high temperature resistant concrete
Activated Carbon can be used for city drinking water advanced purification, removal of residual chlorine, odor; also advanced purification materials of high pure water, mineral water production process; large-scale boiler feed water to the removal of COD and other harmful impurifies, can improve the efficiency of the boiler and prolong the service life of the boiler; effective remval of COD in water, pigment, odor and other toxic substances. Large Granular Activated Carbon can fill the filter and purify the air.
Activated carbon in this classification can be divided into Activated Carbon For Water Treatment. Activated Carbon For Air Purification. Activated Carbon For Filters. Activated Carbon For Desulfurization.
Activated Carbon
Activated Carbon,Granular Activated Carbon,Powder Activated Carbon,Pellet Activated Carbon