Prepare working machinery, earthmoving machinery, excavation machinery, leveling machinery, compaction machinery and hydraulic earthmoving machinery.
Mining machinery
Used to excavate materials above or below the surface of the carrier (including soil, coal, silt and pre-purified geotechnical and ore), and put them into transport vehicles or unload to the stockyard, It is divided into two types: single bucket excavator and multi bucket excavator.
Shovel transport machinery
The materials used for scraping, pushing or leveling the surface of the carrier mainly rely on traction. According to the application, they are divided into bulldozers, scrapers, loaders, graders and earth moving machines. In addition, the earthmoving machinery can be divided into two types according to the structure of the walking system: a tire type and a crawler type. Earthmoving machinery generally consists of a power unit (mostly a diesel engine), a transmission, a traveling device, and a working device. Except for the multi-dump excavator, which is continuous operation, other earthmoving machines are operated periodically. The main basis for selecting earthmoving machinery during construction is the working object, the operation requirements and the characteristics of the machine itself. In addition, the choice of earthmoving machinery should also consider the transport distance. If the bulldozer pushes the material along the ground, it is suitable for the distance of 30~60 meters; the self-propelled scraper can self-install, self-transport and self-unloading the ground material, suitable for long distances of 180-2000 meters; single bucket loader and self When the unloading car is used, it is suitable for the transportation distance of more than 300 meters, and the grader is suitable for the leveling operation of large-area venues.
Earthmoving machinery leveling machine
Use a scraper to level the site or trim the earthmoving machinery of the road. Commonly used are automatic graders.
Compaction machinery
Using the principle of static pressure, vibration or slamming, the dense foundation soil and road paving layer will increase its density. When the bulldozer advances, the earthmoving machinery with improved carrying capacity, the sheep foot roller, the light roller, the tire roller, the vibratory roller , frog-type cockroaches and internal combustion smashing machines.
Hydraulic earthmoving machinery
Earthmoving machinery that uses high-speed water jets to impact soil or rock masses for excavation and excavation operations. Then the mud (or magma) is transported to the earthmoving machinery at the designated place. The commonly used pumps, water guns, suction pumps, etc. can comprehensively complete the excavation, transportation, filling and other operations, and use the knife-shaped or bucket-shaped working device to cut the soil. The efficiency is high, but the consumption of water is large, and the application has limitations.
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