There are many advantages to using multiple series inverters for electric vehicles. The series structure output voltage vector type is greatly increased, which enhances the control flexibility, improves the control accuracy, and reduces the fluctuation of the neutral point voltage of the motor. The bypass feature of the inverter increases the flexibility of charging and regenerative braking control.
With the growing concern about the urban environment, the development of electric vehicles has a rare opportunity. In urban traffic, electric buses have become a priority for development due to their large load and high overall efficiency. Most electric buses use three-phase AC motors. Due to the high power of the motor, the components in the three-phase inverter need to withstand high voltage and high current stress. The higher dv/dt makes the electromagnetic radiation serious and needs good. Cooling.
The high-power inverter with multiple series structure reduces the voltage stress on a single device and reduces the requirements on the device; reduces the dv/dt value, reduces the electromagnetic radiation, and greatly reduces the heat generation of the device; The level of the level is increased and the control performance is better.
Multiple series inverters are suitable for high power electric vehicle drive systems. The use of multiple series structure reduces the risk of multiple batteries in series, reducing the switching stress of the device and reducing electromagnetic radiation. But the number of batteries needed has increased by a factor of two.
The multiple series structure output voltage vector type is greatly increased, thereby enhancing the control flexibility, improving the control accuracy, and reducing the fluctuation of the neutral point voltage of the motor. In order to maintain the balance of the battery capacity of each group, it is necessary to ensure that the discharge time of the battery is consistent during operation. By means of bypass, the battery pack can be flexibly charged and the torque of regenerative braking can be controlled.
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