Reporter Ma Aiping
“My conclusion today is very clear: The controversy over GM crops is over, and we should not discuss whether it is safe anymore.†At the Oxford Agricultural Conference on January 3, 2013, Mark Linner was opposing the spread of genetic modification. The practice apologized that it should no longer be spent on the safety of genetically modified organisms.
He said that in the past 15 years, people have eaten 3 trillion genetically modified foods, but none of them have been confirmed to be harmful. Eating GM foods is less likely to be harmed than asteroids. More importantly, there are examples of death from eating organic foods, but no one died because of eating genetically modified foods.
So, at present, are there any conclusions about the safety of GM foods?
“The consensus reached by international authoritative agencies on genetically modified safety is that any genetically modified food that is listed through safety evaluations is as safe as non-genetically modified foods and can be safely consumed,†said Lin Min, director of the Institute of Biotechnology at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
"This is a conclusion." Lin Min explained, "The WHO and the International FAO have made such a positive description of the safety of genetically modified foods in official documents."
Similarly, the same authoritative description can be found on the websites of China's Ministry of Agriculture, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Japanese Ministry of Health, and the European Food Safety Authority.
"For example, the safety and experimentation of genetically modified rice made by Academician Zhang Zhihui showed that it is as nutritious as non-genetically modified rice. Because of the addition of Bt protein, it has reduced the need for pesticides, but it is safer than traditional rice. According to Chen Junshi, a researcher at the Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Not only this, for example, Lin Min said that such consensus is based on a solid scientific assessment: from the first GM crop field trial in 1987 to the promotion in 1996, GM has become one of the fastest-growing technologies in the history of human science and technology. . In 2011, 29 countries planted 160 million hectares of genetically modified crops, and 70% of the world's population lives in countries that have approved the cultivation or import of genetically modified crops.
The development trend of the world's GM crops is the same, but in China, there are still many misunderstandings about the development of foreign genetically modified crops. There is an argument that the EU has adopted a zero-tolerance policy on genetic modification. In fact, the data show that at present, at least six EU countries have planted genetically modified corn on the European Union food website. The EU consumes about 3 million soy flour each year, and more than 40% of them are genetically modified. It can be seen that although the European Union has grown few genetically modified crops, it will import large amounts of genetically modified soybeans or genetically modified corn.
There are arguments that the starvation in Africa does not eat genetically modified. In fact, it is understood that by 2010 there will be three African countries: South Africa, Burkina Faso and Egypt have planted genetically modified crops. It is estimated that by 2015, 10 African countries will be conducting field trials.
There are arguments that Americans do not eat genetically modified foods. In fact, according to statistics, 91% of soybeans, 86% of corn and 95% of sugar beets are genetically modified in the United States.
Since there is consensus among countries, why do we still need genetically modified safety management?
"Firstly, genetically modified safety management is a type of risk management that involves risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication. Here, the risk refers to the potential risks, which may be the impact on human and animal health, or the impact on the environment, plus the development of genetically modified technologies. Rapidly, more supervision is needed; secondly, the inflow of genetically modified products abroad can be controlled through safety management. For example, the European Union tries not to allow US genetically modified products to enter through the regulation of genetically modified organisms. This is a technical trade barrier and a standpoint of national interest. In addition, public awareness of the risk of genetic modification is very strong. On the issue of genetic transformation, rumors spread faster than facts." Lin Min said that at present, it can be confirmed that the so-called GM insecurity incidents are all false and lie. Repeating a thousand times is a lie. This is one of the reasons why supervision is needed.
Chen Junshi also believes that so far, there is no evidence that GM crops that have been commercialized or that have not yet been commercialized with safety certificates are toxic and harmful. There is also no evidence that GM foods or crops are harmful to human health. However, these arguments do not meet the needs of the people and the management. Therefore, the food safety evaluation of genetically modified organisms has always followed the three major internationally established principles: the principle of individual cases, the principle of risk analysis, and the principle of substantial equality. The principle of individual case refers to the specific analysis of specific species, and cannot be derived from the safety of one species to other species. The principle of risk analysis refers to the characteristics of risk assessment, qualitative, or quantitative description of various hazards affecting food safety. Under the premise of related factors, propose and implement risk management measures and exchange relevant information. The principle of substantial equivalence is that if the products produced by genetically modified plants are substantially equivalent to traditional products, they can be considered safe.
Focus on genetically modified
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