In 2001, the demand for high-quality strong-gluten first-class corn (6f packaged corn) reached 2 million tons, and the demand for high-quality strong-gluten second-class corn (boiled noodles, noodles, and dumplings) reached 7.5 million tons, and high-quality weak-gluten wheat ( Cake 1; cake wheat) demand for the ship o million t. The demand for medium-gluten wheat for other steamed buns and steamed buns reached 26.5 million tons. Estimated juice. By 2007, the demand for high-quality corn in the country was 16 million t. The high-quality strong-gluten first-class corn was 2.6 million tons, the strong-gluten second-class wheat was 700,000 tons, and the high-quality weak-gluten corn was 3.7 million tons. According to the current yield level, it is estimated that 4 million hm2 of high-quality corn should be arranged. The quality of the towel is 666,800 hm. The second-class strong gluten is 2,466,800 hm2, and the high-quality weak gluten corn is 868,800 hm". At present, the production of high-quality corn. In 2001, the planting area of ​​high-quality corn was 2,133,300 hm: of which high-quality strong gluten and weak gluten There is a big gap between the production and demand of corn. In addition, most of the domestically produced high-quality corn is mixed with high-quality and inferior corn in the acquisition and circulation, and the use value is lost. The amount of high-quality corn that can be used is less, and the supply is obviously less than the demand. The huge difference between market supply and demand provides a broad space for the development of high-quality wheat.
Advantages and price advantages of high-quality corn Compared with corn exporting countries, the advantage of corn in China is that the yield is relatively south. In 2001, China's corn yield averaged 4050k8/hm: 51% higher than the US and 10% higher than Canada. It has great competitive potential in the corn trade. From the perspective of production costs, the average production cost per hectare of corn in China from 1990 to 2000 was 3,975 yuan from 1,725 ​​yuan. The plant was increased by 1.3 times, and the material cost increased from 1,125 yuan per hectare to 2,535 yuan, 25 times higher than L, accounting for 64% of the total production cost, 9% higher than the United States, which affected price competition to some extent. However, from the perspective of terminal prices, China's high-quality corn still has a large price competitive advantage. At present, the average FOB price of corn in the United States and Canada is RMB 994-l 240 per ton. Although it is lower than the price of corn in China, it is charged with freight, customs duties, value-added tax, insurance premiums and unloading fees. The price per ton is higher than the price of high quality corn in China. Taking the price of domestic and foreign corn in February 2002 as an example (snake n), the FOB price of Canada No. 2 is 130.6 US dollars, but the CIF price within the quota is 1535.4 yuan /?, with additional landed The price is 255L o yuan eight; the US No. 2 hard red spring wheat FOB price is 130.6 US dollars eight, but the CIF price within the quota is 150.9 US dollars eight, with an additional CIF price of 2506.2 N / t The Australian hard wheat FOB price is 166. o USD / t, but the CIF price in the quota is 1770.6 yuan eight, with an additional CIF price of 2949.3 yuan eight 'China's high-quality corn 8901 is 1450 yuan / t, Jinan 17 is 1350 yuan / c Jiangsu white soft wheat is 1230 yuan / t, China's high-quality corn varieties still have obvious price competitive advantages.
Fourth, the impact of joining wTo on China's corn production The United States is a large country of corn production and export, and also a major source of China's corn imports. After joining the WTO, US corn will be the main impact force of China's corn market. Compared with China's 1998 and US corn production costs in 1996, China's average corn yield per hectare is about 68% higher than that of the United States, but the cost of China's corn 100 yuan is 98.15 yuan, which is higher than the US 62.68 yuan; %; the production cost per hectare of corn is 2167.8 yuan, 21 times higher than the United States. Comparing the average profit of corn production since 1990, the profit per hectare of corn production in China is 8% lower than that of the United States. From the perspective of high-quality corn production, the yield per unit of high-quality corn varieties is not as high as that of the main maize varieties.
After joining wTo, China promised to reduce the tariffs on agricultural products, implement the import quota system, and increase the proportion of imports into the country. According to the Sino-US agreement, China has pledged to increase the import of corn. The import quota for corn was 8.468 million tons in 2002, and it increased to 9.636 million tons in 20N. The tariff rate in the quota dropped to 1%-3%. China has agreed to accept the US's low-pollution corn, so that US corn can be shipped directly from the Pacific port to China, and the freight rate will be greatly reduced, and the advantage of price competition will increase. Due to the high quality of high-quality strong gluten and weak gluten corn imported from abroad, the corn bulk density measuring its weight tolerance and stable quality is very popular among processing enterprises. It is estimated that after the quota management is started in 2005, according to the needs of the market, China imports. The number of corn will increase. Therefore, foreign corn will not impact the high-quality corn market in China, and will also affect farmers' income and dampen the enthusiasm of farmers to grow high-quality wheat. Therefore, in order to reduce the impact and impact of imported high-quality corn, it is very necessary to vigorously develop the research and development and production of high-quality corn in China to enhance its international and domestic competitiveness. More instrument information: Corn Bulker http://
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