Types and characteristics of standard parts: standard parts are threaded standard parts, keys, pins and bearings, etc. Common parts include gears, springs, etc. Common standard structures include chamfering, rounding, and keyway. Their structural characteristics are different, but their common feature is that their structural dimensions have been standardized, that is, the codes of the same type of standard parts and their parameters are the same, but the values ​​of the parameters are different. Therefore, you can write program code, give different specifications and size, you can get serialized 2D, 3D part graphics. Analysis of the characteristics of various standard parts: any complex figure is composed of four basic elements: point, line, circle and arc. The basic element can be represented by various parameters, according to the control parameters (variables) and these basic figures. Yuan relationship programming. The model features refer to the topological relationship of the graph, the geometric parameters, and the relationship between these geometric parameters and the graphical structure parameters.
Method characteristics of model establishment:
(1) The sketching features of the part modeling, first draw a two-dimensional sketch, and then form a three-dimensional model by stretching, rotating and scanning.
(2) Placement features of part modeling, refer to the fillet feature, punch feature, chamfer feature, shell feature and draft slope feature in the part.
(3) The reference feature of the part, which refers to the reference plane, reference axis, datum curve, datum point and coordinate system of the part.
The generation of three-dimensional parametric solid graphics, in addition to the basic stereo directly using AutoCAD's basic entity command generation, generally generates a planar shape for the complex shape, and then uses the stretching, rotation method and intersection and difference operation to form the desired shape. For example, in the system, the generation of the thread structure is performed by a method in which the tooth plane is wound by a spiral, and then a difference operation is performed with the cylinder or the cylinder hole. For the generation of 2D views, the 3D parametric solid model is generated by directly calling the functions of AutoCAD.
1, strong, thermostable
Because CPVC compares PP-R, PE-X to be firm. Compared with PP, the PE-X tube, under the similar pressure, CPVC may use a smaller caliber to achieve the same water flow, thereby saving material costs and installation time. Compares with other thermoplastic, CPVC has the remarkable mechanical property under the different temperature, is suitable for the bearing the situation, the application temperature may reach as high as 93°C, the life may amount to 50 years.
2, easy installation
The connection method are very similar with PVC. Most commonly used and simple connection method is resolver cementation. Other connection methods are threaded connection, flange connection and electrode connections.
3, non-corrosive oxygen permeability
CPVC have the anti-oxygen, therefore the oxygen seepage from the radiator will not bring metal corrosion.
4, reducing the infiltration of additives
In order to prevent oxidation, some modified plastics needs to increase the massive antioxidant that may be infiltrated into the water supply system ,causing the ill-smelling smell.
5, without the impact of chlorine in water
A lot of polyolefin materials (including PP, PE) may be decomposed with water, while CPVC is not affected by the impact of residual chlorine in water that there is no cracks and leakage.
6, good flame retardancy
CPVC limiting oxygen index is 60, therefore it will not burn in the air. It has the characteristics : misfires the flame decoction,not to increase the fire set,restrict flame spread,low smoke generation. 7, CPVC has excellent chemical resistance to non-polar strong acid and alkali. Commonly used to substitute the metal to process the corrosive material, such as the poor quality of water, acidic material alkaline matter and other peroxide solutions.
8, the low thermal conductivity
CPVC thermal conductivity is only 1.05. heat is not easy to disseminate from the pipeline, heat loss of pipeline is low.
9, bacteria breeding is not easy
CPVC is not influenced by the impact of residual chlorine in water. So it will not result in cracks and leaks. Inner wall of pipe is smooth, not easy to breed bacteria. The research indicated that the breeding of germs in CPVC pipe is far lower than other materials such as copper, steel and other plastic pipe.
10, low thermal expansion
CPVC thermal-expansion coefficient is lower than other plastics. The tube expansion is very small when tube-pass heat, unlike other types of channels (such as PP-RRP) due to the higher temperature caused by heat expansion coefficient that could cause snake bending,the existence safe hidden danger and eyesores.
11, the test of time
none of a thermoplastic material such as CPVC,avoid the maintenance after 40 year hot water system's test, and displays its excellent performance
CPVC Fittings,CPVC Pipes,Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride,CPVC Tubing
Shandong Gaoxin Chemical Co.,Ltd , http://www.gaoxinchem.com