In the next three days, rain and snow will continue in the northwest, and potato germination will promote production.

In the next three days, there will be small to medium snow (rain) or sleet weather in the western and northern parts of Xinjiang, the central and eastern parts of the northwestern region, the western and southern parts of Jianghan, the northeastern part of Inner Mongolia and the southern part of Heilongjiang. Due to the effects of snow disasters and low-temperature freezing damage, winter potato in some areas needs to be replanted and re-broadcasted, and some areas of the potato are damaged by freezing, resulting in insufficient seed supply. In order to grab the season, shorten the sowing to emergence cycle, reduce seed and tenderness. The buds are infected by pathogens in the soil, accelerate the emergence of seedlings, save the amount of seeds used, and it is especially important to plant seedlings before planting and planting potato seeds.


Seed potato germination should pay attention to the following points:


1. Warm seed germination: In a warm indoor or rainproof greenhouse (18 ~ 20 ° C), the ground padding about 10 cm wet sand or loose fine soil, the seed potato is spread into a thin layer, the upper cover 5 Sand or fine soil sifted around a centimeter, spray the water with a kettle to moisten the soil (in a semi-wet state, it is advisable to hold the group immediately). If the temperature is lower than 18 °C, cover the straw, wheat straw, and straw curtain. After the heat preservation germination.

2. Moisturizing and anti-corrosion: In the process of germination, such as covering sand or rare earth, dry with a watering can with water spray, to prevent rain, sunscreen and prevent germination of potato rot.

3. Cooling and germination: wait for the young shoots to grow about 5 mm, remove the cover and soil, and properly cool the seed potato (about 12-15 °C) or move to the lower part of the cooling, and gradually expose it to scattered light. Strong buds. It is advisable to stack 1 or 2 layers of tubers, not too thick, and carefully turn over every day to make the germination uniform and thick, to avoid the buds in the lower layer being too long. If the seed potato has germinated during storage, the seed potato should be budded under scattered light.

4. After 1 to 2 weeks, the bud is about 1 cm long and can be used for dicing or sowing.

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