Peanut of pests and diseases, pesticide must be selected according to their growth properties and characteristics to be itself administered. And the prevention and control of peanut diseases should be based on agricultural measures, supplemented by chemical control, scientific and rational use of various physical and biological control measures to create environmental conditions conducive to the growth and development of peanuts and not conducive to disease, safe, economic and effective. The ground controls the occurrence of major diseases and achieves the goal of high yield, high quality and high efficiency of peanuts.
First, the prevention and control of stem rot (1) agricultural control. Use disease-free seeds and disease-resistant varieties; rational rotation, can be rotated with cereal crops.
(2) Chemical control. Seeding with 50% carbendazim wettable powder before sowing, or soaking seeds with 50% carbendazim WP 0.5 kg and water 50~60 kg, soaking seeds for 24 hours, sowing 50% of bacteria in the early stage of the disease Ling WP or 65% Daisen zinc WP 500~600 times liquid spray control, spray once every 7 days, even spray 2~3 times.
Second, the prevention and control of root rot (1) implementation of rotation. The light disease field is rotated every other year, and the seriously ill field is rotated for 3 to 5 years.
(2) Seed dressing. Seeds were seeded with 15% triadimefon or 0.5% carbendazim WP before seeding, and sown 24 hours after containment.
(3) Chemical control. After the seedlings were strengthened, the disease was found to be immediately blocked by spraying or drenching. 50% carbendazim WP 500 times solution, or potassium permanganate 600~1000 times liquid spray peanut base; once every 7~15 days, a total of 2~3 times or more, each time 75 kg of medicated liquid per mu, alternately applied, sprayed thoroughly.
Third, the prevention and control of leaf spot disease (1) agricultural control. After the peanuts are harvested, the diseased bodies in the field are cleared and ploughed in time. The seriously ill plots should be rotated for 2 to 3 years with the grass crops; the insect-resistant varieties should be selected and properly planted.
(2) Chemical control. At the beginning of the flowering period, the application began, and when the diseased leaf rate reached 10% to 15%, the application was started every three to ten days, and the control was continued three times. The available agents are carbendazim, agricultural anti-120, methyl thiophanate and the like.
Fourth, the prevention and control of bacterial wilt (1) agricultural control. It is best to carry out water and drought rotation, or rotate with melons and gramineous crops for 3~5 years to avoid cropping with crops such as Solanaceae, Leguminosae, and Sesame; use sorghum cultivation, timely sowing, and reasonable close planting to prevent field shading and large Water flooding, pay attention to drainage and flood control; the diseased plants found in the field should be removed immediately, brought out in the field and buried with lime, to avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer.
(2) Chemical control. Before sowing, soak seeds with 1000% solution of 1000 times solution for 8~12 hours for disinfection and sterilization; spray 2500~3000 times of agricultural streptomycin or neomycin with spray, or use 1500~2000 times at the beginning of the disease. The 32% gram solution is sprayed once every 7 to 10 days, and even sprayed 3 to 4 times.
V. Prevention and control of rust After the flowering of the peanut, the central diseased plant was found to be sprayed in time. The available agents include triadimefon, diniconazole, etc., once every 7 to 15 days, and continuously controlled 2 to 3 times.
6. Prevention and treatment of black mold (1) Agricultural control. Deep ploughing and soil improvement, applying sufficient base fertilizer, adding organic fertilizer, strengthening field management, and enhancing the disease resistance of peanuts.
(2) Chemical control. The seeds were seeded with 0.3% carbendazim wettable powder at 0.3% of the seed amount.
Seven, root knot nematode prevention and control (1) agricultural control. Deep harvesting during harvesting does not leave the disease roots and diseased fruits in the soil, and the diseased bodies are dried and concentrated.
(2) The agent treats the soil. 10 to 15 days before sowing peanuts, use 10% aldicarb (iron-killing) granules 2.5 to 5 kg, 3% c-Baowei granules 5 to 6 kg, 5% gram of phosphorus granules 2 to 12 kg 10% methyl isoflavone 4~6 kg. Or use 3% Keweiwei granules at the time of sowing, the amount of about 3 kg per acre, pay attention to human and animal safety when applying. Before the sowing, avermectin can be sprayed 3000 times, and the ditch is 15~20 cm deep.
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