Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH, the world-renowned manufacturer of lined pump valves, today announced the invention of MNK, a chemical centrifugal pump with a high level of wear resistance. In fact, RichterChemie-TechnikGmbH invented this plastic shading pump series as early as 20 years ago, and now, this product has been redesigned to manufacture, compared with the previous new wear-resistant durability better. This pump product can be used in many applications, such as alkaline electrolysis, sulfuric acid, MDI and TDI recycling, but also can be used in some special plastic and fiber manufacturing processes. This redesigned pump product is being used in areas where stainless steel, specialty pig iron and conventional plastics are not capable of achieving adequate corrosion resistance. Richter said MNK is an alternative to those that utilize nickel Base alloy, copper-nickel alloy, nickel, tantalum and other expensive, imported metal raw materials for the production of pumps. The pump is priced at up to 25PN which it can withstand during its operation. The speed of the new product ranges from 750 to 2000 rpm and is set according to the required flow rate. The operating temperature is between -60 ° To + 150 ° C.
Test tubes, Pipette guns, Centrifuge Tubes, etc. in the laboratory need to be organized. Therefore, there is a need for laboratory table top racks that are easy to clean, store, and transport.
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Yong Yue Medical Technology(Kunshan) Co.,Ltd ,