New progress made in research on electrowetting of photonic crystals by physics and chemistry

The unique optical modulation properties produced by the unique periodic arrangement of photonic crystals make them important applications in sensing, catalysis, detection and other optical devices. The special wettability design of the photonic crystal surface will give the material more excellent performance and new applications, such as can effectively speed up the photonic crystal sensing and detection, can achieve super anti-fouling photonic crystal optics, so the photonic crystal super Infiltration studies have received extensive attention.

Under the strong support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, researchers of the Key Laboratory of Biomimetic Materials and Interface Science, Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences have made progress in the preparation and application of super-wetting photonic crystals. The researchers examined the effect of basal infiltration on the morphology and molecular assembly of photonic crystal assembly units-emulsion particles (Adv. Mater. Inter. 2015, 1400365, J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3, 2445). Using the special infiltration control of the interface, the anisotropic structured photonic crystals with special light functions (Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 1367) and bread-shaped (Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 3619) were prepared; A photonic crystal microarray with good optical waveguide behavior was prepared by combining the superhydrophilic substrate and the sandwich confinement effect formed by the superhydrophobic template (ACS Appl. Interf. 2016, 8, 4985); polyionics with gradient wetting were designed. Liquid inverse opal-structured photonic crystals have been developed for the preparation of photonic crystal drivers with a single structure (Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 5924). In order to understand the special role of super-wetting of photonic crystals, the researchers systematically summarized the bionic preparation of super-wetting photonic crystals and their applications. From the unique properties and effects shown by the special infiltration of natural photonic crystals, we reviewed the Some examples of construction ideas, preparation and application of super-wetting photonic crystals, including new applications of sensing, detection, antifouling, driving, oil-water separation, etc. of photonic crystal super-wetting imparting materials (Chem. Soc. Rev. 2016, 45 , 6833).

Recently, the laboratory researchers designed and prepared a series of super-wetting metal-organic inverse opal structure photonic crystals. In the electrowetting process, the morphology of the photonic crystal gradually evolved from a continuous network structure to an independent air ball structure. At the same time, the bandgap of the photonic crystals has undergone a blue shift and the infiltration has gradually decreased. The special morphology evolution exhibited by the photonic crystal anti-structure is mainly attributed to the continuous dissolution of metal ions in the anti-structure and the simultaneous rearrangement of polymer-metal chelates in the structure. The rearrangement process subtly realizes the controllable collapse of the original through porous structure and the assembly of the organic-metal chelate interface to form a spherical structure. The SEM, TEM, FT-IR, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were used to investigate the changes in the chemical composition and deformation mechanism of the system during the process of morphology evolution and deformation. Interestingly, experiments have found that the electrowetting process not only induces the rearrangement of the organic metal to form a new structure, but also that the rearrangement process leads to the metal-organic chelate being assembled in a single crystal-like form. This single crystal formation process was also verified by model experiments. The unique morphology evolution in this electrowetting process can be generalized to photonic crystal templates (assembled from polystyrene-polymethyl methacrylate-polyacrylic acid monodisperse particles) filled with lead nitrate, copper sulfate, and zinc oxide. And remove the template formation of inverse opal structure photonic crystals. The metal ions therein can form a strong chelating effect with the carboxyl groups in the polymer forming the latex particles, and this action induces the evolution of the morphology during electro-wetting. Finally, the photonic crystal pattern was prepared by using the characteristics of irreversible changes in the morphology of the material caused by electrowetting. This work not only expands the preparation of a new type of organic-metal photonic crystals, but also the phenomenon of irreversible changes in morphology that is demonstrated by the simple electrowetting process presented in this paper provides a useful inspiration for the development of water-etching methods for preparing photonic crystal patterns. .

The work was published in "Advanced Functional Materials" (Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, Doi: 10.1002/adfm.201605221) and was selected as the back cover.

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