Controlling pests and diseases in wheat planting period

Wheat sowing period is a key period for controlling various pests and diseases of wheat, improving the quality level, management level and resilience of planting.
The delay in planting of wheat, the increase in seeding rate, and the weak growth of wheat autumn seedlings will inevitably lead to aggravation of wheatgrass and certain diseases, pests and rodents. This should be done from the treatment of seeds and the prevention of autumn seedlings.
Chemical treatment of seeds is a key measure to prevent wheat diseases and powdery mildew, leaf rust, stripe rust and underground pests in autumn seedlings. It is also necessary to treat farmland pests and pests according to different wheat pests and diseases. The best fungicides are Likxiu and Shilo, 2% Likexiu and 2,5% of Shile, respectively, seed dressing 0.15%, 0.2% seed dressing; better insecticides are methylisophosphorus Etc., 40% methyl isoflavone seed dressing with 0.2 seed dressing; for the area where the pests and diseases are mixed, the above agents can be mixed and seeded.
Huaxian County Plant Protection Station
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