How escalators work

The core component of the escalator is two chains that circulate around two pairs of gears. At the top of the escalator, there is a motor that drives the drive gear to rotate the chain. A typical escalator uses a 100 hp engine to turn the gears. Both the engine and the chain system are mounted in a frame, which is a metal structure that extends between two floors.

Unlike a plane in which the conveyor moves, the chain moves a set of steps. The most interesting part of the escalator is how these steps move. The steps are always level as the chain moves. At the top and bottom of the escalator, the steps fold over each other to form a platform. This makes the upper and lower escalators easier.

Each step on the escalator has two sets of wheels that rotate along two separate tracks. The upper unit (the wheel near the top of the step) is connected to the rotating chain and pulled by the drive gear at the top of the escalator. The wheels of the other groups simply slide along the track, following the first set of wheels.

The two tracks are spaced apart from one another so that each step is level. At the top and bottom of the escalator, the track is horizontal so that the steps are flattened. There is a series of grooves inside each step to connect the two steps before and after the flattening.

In addition to rotating the main chain ring, the motor in the escalator can also move the handrail. The armrest is just a rubber conveyor belt that circulates around a series of wheels. The conveyor belt is precisely configured to move exactly the same speed as the step, allowing the rider to feel smooth.

The escalator system does not raise people by dozens of floors like an elevator, but is ideal for providing short-distance transportation. This is because of the high load rate of the escalator. After the elevator is full, it must wait for it to reach the designated floor and return to the other person to get on the elevator. On the escalator, as long as one person reaches the upper level, it will make room for others.

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