When the Chu and Han dynasties, Ji Bu was the subordinate of Xiang Yu, and had made several suggestions to make Liu Bang’s army ruined. After Liu Bang became an emperor, he remembered this matter and hated it. He ordered the quarterly cloth.
At this time, the person who admired Jibu is a man who is helping him secretly. Soon, Jibu was disguised as a helper to a family named Zhu in Shandong. Zhu Jiaming knew that he was Jibu and still kept him. Later, Zhu Jia went to Luoyang to find Liu Bang’s old friend Yu Xia Xia Houying. In the persuasion of Xia Houying, Liu Bang withdrew the order for the quarterly cloth, and also sealed the quarter cloth and made it to Langzhong.
There is a fellow of the quarters, Cao Qiusheng, who loves to make powerful officials to show off and raise himself. Ji Bu has always looked down on him. I heard that Ji Bu had become a big official, and he immediately went to see Jibu.
When Ji Bu heard that Cao Qiusheng was coming, he looked at his face and prepared to send a few words so that he could not get off the stage. Who knows that Cao Qiusheng entered the hall, no matter how gloomy the face of Ji Bu, how ugly the words are, and immediately confronted Jibu is a war, but also a slap, and often with the Jibra family. And touted and said: "I heard Chu everywhere, there is a saying that 'there are two thousand gold, not as good as the one." How can you have such a good reputation in Liang and Chu? We are both fellow villagers. I am promoting your good name everywhere. Why don't you want to see me?" Ji Bu listened to Cao Qiusheng's words, and he was happy, leaving him to live for a few months as a guest. When he left, he gave him a gift.
Later, Cao Qiusheng continued to promote Qibu everywhere, and Jibu’s reputation became bigger and bigger.
For thousands of years, the promise of a promise is endless and widely circulated. As the saying goes: People are not honest, and they are not happy. It is true that the person must be honest with the promise of the quarter, and speak with integrity, and the same is true for business. Business management should pay attention to credit and credibility, and promises have no regrets, even if they lose some money, as long as the customer is satisfied. Compliance with commitment is a virtue and a long-term solution for business development.
In today's market economy, once a company makes a promise, it is a promise! It should be done without compromise and strictly fulfill its promise. "Sincerity" is the foundation of the survival and development of an enterprise. Whether it can be fulfilled is related to the lifeline of the enterprise to a large extent. That is to say, enterprises must be convinced and faithful, resolutely fulfill their commitments, and do what they say and do what they say. The promise of the merchant is the issue of reputation, which is really crucial for the development of the enterprise. Over the years, we have seen many products that have become popular throughout the country, but we have seen them disappear overnight. There are many cases of failure due to lack of credibility.
Integrity is the soul of business In modern society, when businessmen sign contracts, they expect each other to abide by the contract. Integrity is the best competitive means of various business activities, the soul of the market economy, and a true gold business card for entrepreneurs.
All in all, a company is like a virtuous cycle of biological chain. This not only creates a good image for the company, but also brings considerable economic benefits to the company. Under the market economy conditions, fulfilling the commitment, honesty and trustworthiness have become the enterprise. One of the magic weapons to win in the competition.
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