The application of chemical pesticides to control diseases, insects, grasses and rats is an important measure to ensure a bumper harvest. Improper use of chemical pesticides will not only pollute the environment and agricultural and livestock products, but even cause human or animal poisoning or death.
What are the criteria for the safe use of pesticides? In order to ensure the safe production of chemical pesticides, the China Pesticide Network Xiaobian gives you a summary as follows:
First, pesticide classification
According to the comprehensive toxicity evaluation (acute oral, dermal toxicity, chronic toxicity, etc.) of commonly used pesticides (original drugs) in agricultural production, they are classified into three categories: high toxicity, moderate toxicity and low toxicity.
   1. Highly toxic pesticides are 3911 , Suhua 203 , 1605 , methyl 1605 , 1059 , chlorpyrifos, monocrotophos, phosphorus amine, methamidophos, isopropyl phosphate, trisulfide, omethoate, zinc phosphide , aluminum phosphide, cyanide, carbofuran, fluoroacetamide, arsenic, insecticidal cockroach, celidine, celecoxime, ulcer, chloropicrin, pentachlorophenol, dibromochloropropane, 401, etc.
   2 , moderately toxic pesticides are chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, rice flour, ethion, imipenem, picophos, hexachlorocyclohexane, high hexachlorocyclohexane, toxaphene, chlordane, DDT, xiwei result, damage flutter Granville, isoprocarb, metolcarb, mixed aldicarb, pirimicarb, fenthion, dichlorvos, pyrethroids, edifenphos, kitazin, Dexon, 402, asomate, Rice foot green, retort, dexamethasone, daisen ring, 242 drops, oats, chlorpyrifos and so on.
   3 , low-toxic pesticides are trichlorfon, marathon, acephate, phoxim, dicofol, carbendazim, thiophanate, captan, zinc, thiram, rust, diarrhea, Ethyl aluminum phosphate, chlorothalonil, herbicide ether, chlorpyrifos, atrazine, chloralamine, lasso, herbicide, 2 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , thatch, glyphosate, etc.
Highly toxic pesticides can cause poisoning or death as long as they are in contact with a small amount. Although the toxicity of medium- and low-toxic pesticides is low, the toxicity of pesticides is low, but there are many contacts, and the rescue will not cause timely death. Therefore, the use of pesticides must pay attention to economic and safety.
Second, the scope of use of pesticides
All varieties that have been formulated as " safety standards for the use of pesticides " are implemented in accordance with the requirements of the " standards " . The “ standard †variety has not yet been developed and the following provisions are implemented:
   1. Highly toxic pesticides are not allowed to be used for crops such as vegetables, tea, fruit trees, Chinese herbal medicines, etc., and are not allowed to be used for controlling sanitary pests and human and animal skin diseases. Except for rodenticides, it is not allowed to be used for poison rats. Fluoroacetamide is prohibited from being used on crops and is not allowed to be used as a rodenticide. “3911†emulsifiable concentrate is only allowed for seed dressing, and spraying is strictly prohibited. Carbofuran granules are only used for seed dressing, using tool ditch or wearing gloves to toxic soil, not allowed to be sprayed after immersion.
   2. High-residue pesticides 666, DDT, and chlordane are not allowed to be used on crops such as fruit trees, vegetables, tea trees, Chinese herbal medicines, tobacco, coffee, pepper, and lemongrass. Chlordane is only used for seed dressing to control underground pests.
   3 , insecticides can be used to control cotton red spiders, rice aphids and so on. According to the results of the study on the toxicity of insecticides, it should be controlled. It is only used once during the whole growth period of rice. Use 25% water agent per acre 2 two, the harvest period should not be less than 40 days, use 25% water agent per acre for four or two, and the harvest period should not be less than 70 days. It is forbidden to be used on other crops such as grain, oil, vegetables, fruit trees, medicinal herbs, tea, tobacco, sugar cane and sugar beets. When controlling cotton pests, the number of uses and the amount of use should also be controlled as much as possible. When spraying, avoid direct contact with the liquid.
   4. It is forbidden to use pesticides, poisonous fish, shrimps, frogs and beneficial birds and beasts.
Third, the purchase, transportation and storage of pesticides
   1. The pesticide is purchased by the designated person's certificate. When buying pesticides, you must pay attention to the packaging of pesticides to prevent leakage. Pay attention to the name of the pesticide, the content of the active ingredient, the date of manufacture, the instructions for use, etc., and the pesticides with unclear identification and quality failure are not allowed to be used.
   2. When transporting pesticides, first check whether the packaging is complete, find any leaks or ruptures, repackage the materials after application, and properly dispose of the contaminated ground, transportation tools and packaging materials. Take care when handling pesticides.
   3. Pesticides shall not be mixed or mixed with food, vegetables, fruits, food, daily necessities, etc.
   4 , pesticides should be concentrated in the production team, operation group or professional team set up special warehouses, special cabinets and special personnel to keep, can not be kept in separate households. Doors and windows should be firm, ventilation conditions should be good, and doors and cabinets should be locked.
   5. Registration procedures for pesticides entering and leaving the warehouse should be established and no random access is allowed.
Fourth, the precautions in the use of pesticides
   1. When dispensing, the dispensing personnel should wear rubber gloves. The measuring device must be used to weigh the liquid or powder according to the prescribed dosage. Do not increase the dosage arbitrarily. Do not mix drugs by hand.
   2 , seed dressing should be stirred with tools, how much, how much to mix, the seeds of the mixed medicine should be planted with the machine as much as possible. Wear protective gloves when hand or sprinkle to prevent skin absorption. The remaining poisons should be destroyed and not allowed to be used as rations or feed.
   3 , dispensing and seed dressing should choose a safe place away from drinking water sources, residential areas, must be guarded by special personnel, to prevent pesticides, poisonous species lost or eaten by people, animals, poultry.
   4 , spray with a manual sprayer should be sprayed. Manual and mobile medical devices can not be sprayed on both sides. Spray should be stopped during high winds and high temperatures at noon. The liquid medicine in the medicine barrel cannot be overfilled, so as not to shake out the barrel and contaminate the body of the application personnel.
   5. Before spraying, carefully check whether the screws on the switch, joint, nozzle, etc. of the medicine machine are tightened, and whether the medicine barrel is leaking, so as to avoid leakage of drugs. If clogging occurs during spraying, rinse with clean water before troubleshooting. It is absolutely forbidden to blow the nozzle and filter with the mouth.
   6. Where the application of highly toxic pesticides is to be erected, grazing, mowing, and digging wild vegetables are prohibited for a certain period of time to prevent poisoning of people and animals.
   7. After the end of the medication, the sprayer should be cleaned in time, returned to the warehouse with the remaining medicine, and must not be taken home. The sewage from the cleaning equipment should be properly disposed of in a safe place, and it is not allowed to spill anywhere to prevent pollution of drinking water sources and fish ponds. Packaged articles that contain pesticides are not allowed to be used for food and feed such as grain, oil, wine, and water. Empty containers, bottles, bags, etc. filled with pesticides should be treated centrally. The used water tank for soaking should be washed and stored in a centralized manner.
V. Selection of pesticides and personal protection
   1. The applicator should be selected by the production team to be responsible for the young and healthy, healthy and healthy, and should undergo certain technical training.
   2 , those who are frail and sick, suffer from skin diseases and pesticide poisoning and other diseases have not yet recovered, women who are breast-feeding, pregnancy, menstrual period, unhealed skin damage can not spray or suspend spraying. Do not take children to the work site when spraying.
   3. The pesticide application personnel must not drink alcohol during the fight.
   4 , the pesticide application must wear anti-virus masks, long-sleeved shirts, trousers and shoes, socks. Do not smoke, drink, or eat during operation. Do not wipe your mouth, face, or eyes with your hands. Never allow you to spray each other. Wash your hands, face and mouth thoroughly with soap before drinking, smoking, and eating after work every day. If you have the conditions, you should take a shower. Work clothes contaminated with pesticides should be changed in time.
   5 , the spraying time of the pesticide application personnel should not exceed 6 hours per day. The use of a backpack-type mobile medical device requires two people to rotate. It should be stopped for 1 day after continuous application for 3 to 5 days.
6. If the operator has symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc., he should immediately leave the application site, remove the contaminated clothes, rinse the mouth, scrub the exposed parts such as hands, face and skin, and promptly send them to the hospital for treatment.
The above standards for the safe use of pesticides, hope to bring protection to your life and property! Make our lives healthier and better!
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