Professor Zhang Chengmin of Suzhou University invented a new word: "China's reverse invention". One of his arguments is the Chinese security belt buckle.
In 1958 Niels Borin invented the three-point seat belt, which Volvo then granted to the global auto makers for free. By 2009, Bolin’s invention saved more than one million lives. This is a great contribution to the history of automobiles. However, "China's reverse invention" has defeated Bolin, and the car seat belt is almost completely defeated. Google has searched for 87,000 picture links of "seat belt buckles" and soso has searched for 1,330,000 "safety belt buckles."
In 2012, the “buckle harness buckle†patent became part of the “China’s East and West†exhibition. From February to May 2013, they were proudly exhibited in Germany. Its comment was: “In accordance with global automotive safety standards, once the driver forgets to In the seatbelt, the car will emit harsh sounds, and the Chinese who are unwilling to restrain themselves will be clever and use safety buckles once and for all.When they see this, it is estimated that Bolin, the father of the three-point seat belt, must be dumbfounded. Why is the cost of someone escaping the safety of the car is still complacent?"
Practice has proved that the three-point seat belt is to save people's lives. Therefore, the laws of all countries stipulate that: driving a car without a seat belt is illegal, it requires fines, points deduction, driver license cancellation, and even jail. In order to combat this rule, the Chinese not only invented seat belt buckles, but even put seat belts on their shoulders and disguised them as worn to counter police and camera tracking.
Why is this so? For convenience, in order to be unrestrained, for the "free existence." The rules of seat belts are contrary to this ambition, so seat belt buckles came into being.
In the invention and extensive role of the seat belt buckle, we can see the country’s sarcasm of safety rules, perhaps there is a slight hint of trifling in the ridicule: My “invention†can make it powerful. The three-point seat belt is invisible.
However, what is the invention of the seatbelt? For the safety of people's travel, for the sake of supreme life. What are the rules for compulsory enforcement of seat belts? To achieve the above goals, for the sake of people's health, life, and beauty. However, the Chinese do not appreciate it. They prefer to use their "reverse inventions" to break such a noble rule.
To spread widely, all rules without malicious are for the establishment of order, and order is the basis for human beings to live in harmony. From this point of departure, the attitude toward the rules should be a good-faith explanation, not an avoidance, or even a hostile ridicule. It is believed that no one will doubt the good intentions of the rules of good faith, but the national character of self-interest and self-deception is always hostile to the rules. Just think: Compared with the short-term comfort, which is more, which is less, and which is less? We just often perform the “reverse invention†of pediatrics here. Montesquieu of Europe was very proud, because he wrote very early: "The Chinese people's greediness is unthinkable. In Lazidaimeng, the theft is permitted. In China, deception is permitted." .
It should be acknowledged that any rule will carry certain restrictions on certain rights or interests of people, and it will not concern all the interests of all people. There is no rule without restrictions, just as there is no law without punishment. This is a last resort choice for the rule to play a role in protecting the greater interests. Faced with such choices, wise people should pay full respect to the rules. If the rules are flawed, the correct approach is to interpret them in good faith and follow them. The proverb goes well "If there are doubts, we should explain it in a good direction." To use "skopos theory as the highest criterion", what we need is to cultivate such ideas and behaviors, and then let the rules go deep into people's minds.
Rules and laws are often synonymous. The real implementation of the law comes from people’s sincere respect for the law, not the cleverness of ridiculing the legal stupidity, because that cleverness is clever and intelligent. No one doubts that the law is designed to benefit more than a few people. Then, we should consciously resist this "reverse invention" without "intelligence," so that the rules will protect our lives.
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The national standards for T-bolts are as follows:
GB / T 2165-1991 machine tool fixture parts and components T-groove quick release Bolt (obsolete) was adjusted to JB / T 8007.2-1995, and then replaced by JB / T 8007.2-1999 | machine tool fixture parts and components T-groove quick release bolt
Bolts for T-groove (GB / T 37-1988)
There is also mechanical standard: JB / T 1709-1991 T-bolt (obsolete), replaced by JB / T 1700-2008 valve parts nut, bolt and plug
At present, din186 T-type square neck bolts, GB 37, din188t type double neck bolts are commonly used. The materials are carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, etc. the specifications range from m8-m64. Musheng, a domestic high-quality hardware manufacturer with good quality control, has formed a mature process.
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