Protective goggles, also known as goggles, are protective devices that protect workers’ eyes from harm. Laborers of certain types of work do not wear protective glasses when they are operating, causing unnecessary injuries. For example, if welders don't wear goggles, they will soon have electro-optic ophthalmia; steel workers will need to wear protective glasses for a long time. Occupational cataracts; laser operators do not wear protective glasses, face the laser beam, and the eye will be broken down to cause permanent disabilities. Therefore, every relevant worker must not only be familiar with his own work, but should also understand the knowledge of wearing protective glasses. He must wear protective glasses as required during operation, and must wear seats in order to prevent him from wearing them.
There are many kinds of protective glasses, depending on the use of different, can be divided into anti-objective lens, anti-impact mirror, anti-chemical liquid splash mirror, dust-proof laser mirror, anti-microwave mirror, anti-high frequency mirror and other nine categories. Each type can be divided into several types according to the type and use, such as arc welding radiation can be divided into gas welding mirror, welding mirror, steel mirror, blown glass mirror and so on. Anti-arc radiation mirrors have color requirements. Generally, blended colors are preferred, such as yellow-green, brown, and gray. The research work on protective goggles in our country started late, so there are not many varieties. In some internationally developed countries, the types and types of protective goggles are relatively elegant and varied, and there are only dozens of laser protective glasses.
Different protective glasses can prevent different harmful factors. For example, when an arc-proof radiation mirror is worn by a laser worker, the laser operator thinks that wearing a protective goggles is safe to test with the eye against the laser beam. As a result, the eye is broken down, and accidents like this are not uncommon. Another example is that the dust eye is mistaken for the anti-impact mirror to be worn by the mountaineers, because the dust mirror is just to prevent smoke from entering the eyes, and its strength is not high. Therefore, it cannot prevent the impact of high-speed crushed stone on the eyes when opening the mountain. Make similar protective glasses, but also strong and weak points, such as wearing anti-arc radiation, contact weak arc radiation source, to wear light colors (more visible light, small shading number); contact with strong arc radiation source Wearing a dark color (small visible light, large shading). If the welder changes the current from small to large during welding, the protective goggles worn should also be shallow to deep. The protective glasses worn by the steelworkers also depend on the method and type of steelmaking. For example, open hearth furnaces, converters, electric furnaces, etc., which produce different intensity of arc light, the depth of the protective glasses worn should not be the same. In general, the choice of dark and light colors must be appropriate. Wearing dark colors for a long time when wearing dark colors will cause the eyes to pass through a large amount of infrared rays and be prone to occupational cataracts. On the contrary, less visible light will be transmitted through the eyes. Because of the difficulty of things, over time, it will reduce the visual acuity, so wear protective glasses must be seated.
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